Some Wingnut Advice for Ben Nelson

Here is an article from Politico (which some idiots still insist on considering nonpartisan) that will provide you with a few moments amazement at the continuing self-deception practiced by our "liberal" press, in order to do everything they can to maintain the viability of the pathetic Republican party:

"GOP obstruction a step in the right direction

Well, I would agree that it's a step in the right direction, if by that you mean oblivion for the Republican party, but I don't think that's what Larry and Lew have in mind.

"... more than simple bribery was required to obtain Nelson’s vote to reach 60. Reid had to resort to fraud and deception...Reid played Nelson for a chump. Contrary to Reid’s assurances to Nelson, the language will lead to federally subsidized abortion."

Bribery, fraud and deception. First of all, can I point out that, apparently, Ben Nelson can't read, since it is perfectly acceptable for any Senator to actually look at the wording of the legislation he is going to vote on. More importantly, it is so interesting to note that these guys are so desperate to deny that the Democrats actually won this one by putting together sixty votes, that they are ready to convince themselves that this normal political process has now become, to them, some monument of evil. Too bad they weren't equally upset when Bush and Cheney lied us into war, and then lost.

"Every major anti-abortion group has stated on the record that the manager’s amendment language on abortion will be ineffectual and is unacceptable."

Anti-abortion groups? That's your source? Those guys wouldn't be satisfied with anything short of public beheading of abortion doctors. So, who cares what they want? They're a bunch of religious fanatics barely distinguishable from Al Qaida, except they don't get the seventy virgins.

"The nation awaits Nelson’s reaction to the shameful treatment he has received at the hands of his Democratic colleagues. Will the fierce opposition by anti-abortion groups to the abortion deception provide Sen. Nelson an “OMG moment,” leading him to understand that his fellow Democrats hornswoggled him on the abortion language?"

By which I take them to mean, "will he switch parties?" You know what? Good riddance, Ben. We don't need your sort of corruption on our side of the aisle.

"...the citizens of Nebraska are demanding that Nelson avail himself of his right to nullify a commitment extracted from him under duress by deceit and misrepresentation."

By which they seem to mean a bunch of teabaggers in Omaha who turned out to demonstrate against Ben. Here's my suggestion: Go ahead, Ben, do what those lunatics want you to do. See where it gets you.

"Lawrence A. Hunter is president of the Social Security Institute, and Lewis K. Uhler is president of the National Tax Limitation Committee."

What are those selfless organizations?

Here are some of the stated goals of the "Social Security Institute:"

"Abolish the estate and gift tax (death tax)
Abolish the capital gains tax
Overhaul the federal tax system
Enact a Spending and Tax Limitation Amendment"

We can see pretty clearly which taxpayers they are interested in.

And as for the National Tax Limitation Committee, as if you couldn't figure that one out on your own, from Sourcewatch:

"The National Tax Limitation Committee (NTLC) is an anti-tax group formed in 1975 by Lewis K. Uhler, a California native who worked c. 1968-1972 in then-Governor Reagan's "Office of Economic Opportunity."

The NTLC started accepting funding from the tobacco industry as early as 1983 and became a third party contact/ally of the tobacco industry in its efforts to limit state and federal taxes on cigarettes."

Oh. Those taxes. I see.


" some monument of evil."

If you don't count accounting tricks, bribes of pork, and Reid trying to count dollars twice then maybe its not unethical. However, if you include those things, it clearly is.

"Too bad they weren't equally upset when Bush and Cheney lied us into war, and then lost."

We are winning the war, and they didn't lie. We found WMD in Iraq and all the intelligence dossiers said there were WMD.

"They're a bunch of religious fanatics barely distinguishable from Al Qaida, except for the crosses around their necks."

I'm anti-abortion and have never been violent in demonstration and I can say that the wording of the amendment doesn't prohibit the public funding of abortion which is unacceptable. Call me a religious fanatic and I'll tell you why my faith has nothing to do with it.

"We don't need your sort of corruption on our side of the aisle."

You're right, you have enough as it is.

" See where it gets you."

Victory in 2010?

"We can see pretty clearly which taxpayers they are interested in."

All of them, with a focus on the ones who make jobs and are paying more than their share of the wealth.

"Oh. Those taxes. I see."

Many taxes, including "sin" taxes.
Green Eagle said…

Oh, forget it. What's the point.

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