Another Republican Goes Wacko

Governor Tim Pawlenty, frequently mentioned as the sane Republican candidate for 2012. from Little Green Footballs:

"Well, you know I’m an evangelical Christian. I believe that God created everything and that he is who he says he was. The Bible says that he created man and woman; it doesn’t say that he created an amoeba and then they evolved into man and woman. But there are a lot of theologians who say that the ideas of evolution andcreationism aren’t necessarily inconsistent; that he could have “created” human beings over time."

Sometimes it's hard to tell whether every single one of them is an ignorant, lunatic cracker, or whether a lot of them are just liars. Either way, anyone who would trust a Republican to walk their dog, let alone run the country, must be very deep indeed into self-destructive denial.


I don't know if Pawlenty actually believes all that stuff GE. But he feels he must suck up to the superstitious zealots that do. That is scary.
Green Eagle said…
Suck up, or pander. I'd take the latter, because when it comes down to it, it's Pawlenty and his real constituency, the rich, who get all the benefits. The superstitious zealots just end up getting screwed along with the rest of us, not that they seem to notice.
Derek said…
So Pawlenty saying that evolution and creationism aren't mutually exclusive makes him a wacko?

Apparently I'm insane too because I see no conflict between the Bible and science.
Green Eagle said…
"Apparently I'm insane too because I see no conflict between the Bible and science."

Answer this, Derek. Do you believe the world is approximately six thousand years old? Do you believe that a man lived to nine hundred years old? Do you believe that a man lived inside a fish? Do you believe people turned into pillars of salt? Because if you do, yes, you are insane.
Derek said…
"Do you believe the world is approximately six thousand years old? Do you believe that a man lived to nine hundred years old? Do you believe that a man lived inside a fish? Do you believe people turned into pillars of salt? Because if you do, yes, you are insane."

You cannot tell the age of the Earth with the Bible.

I believe those people lived for a really long ass time. Note how time periods in the old testament are more just "I caught a fish this big" kind of figures. Sort of like how God created the Earth in 6 days. There was no such thing as a day so that figure of 6 days was to highlight the grandness of God's power and creation, not to tell a chunk of time.

"Do you believe that a man lived inside a fish?"

In US maritime history we have 3 cases of a sailor falling overboard, being swallowed by a whale, just to be shot out a few minutes later alive but covered in what will be scars. So yes, I believe he lived in a "great fish" for at least some period of time.

"Do you believe people turned into pillars of salt?"

Lot's wife was killed in the overthrow of Sodom. The current area has great amount of salt deposits. So do I believe it was POOF! she is literally a pillar of salt? No, she was killed because of her sin and her remains became salt.

Do you believe everything you read on Christian hating websites? Because if you do, you are insane.
Green Eagle said…
Derek, Evangelical Christianity, the religion of the Republican party, subscribes to the notion of biblical inerrancy. If I wanted someone to explain away these things as fables, I could find a lot of people. I want to know if you accept the bible as literally true. Otherwise, you are not a good Republican.
Derek said…
"I want to know if you accept the bible as literally true. Otherwise, you are not a good Republican."

I do, but that doesnt mean Juliet literally meant roses. Everything has a prescribed meaning, and it is our goal to do our best to interpret the Bible in an attempt to understand that meaning. This means looking historically, contextually, and linguistically at the text, something you fail to do.

Again, don't believe everything you read on antiGod websites.
Green Eagle said…
"it is our goal to do our best to interpret the Bible in an attempt to understand that meaning"

Derek, once again you demonstrate yourself to be an unprincipled, unapologetic, hyporcritical liar (i.e. a Republican.}

Biblical inerrancy means that the Bible is literally true. That means, Lot's wife literally turned into a pillar of salt, Jonah literally spent days inside not a whale, but a fish, Methuselah literally lived to be 900 years old, a snake literally developed linguistic ability in order to speak to Eve, etc. You dance around and dance around to avoid dealing with the idiocy of your fellow conservatives in accepting such things.
Derek said…
" You dance around and dance around to avoid dealing with the idiocy of your fellow conservatives in accepting such things."

I believe every word, but that does not mean the word is the true meaning. Again, this would be comparable to Juliet and roses. If your version of evangelical Christianity involves take every single word as true in only one meaning (the one you are choosing) then I guess I'm not an evangelical Christian to you.
Green Eagle said…
"I believe every word, but that does not mean the word is the true meaning."


Grow up, Derek.
Derek said…

When Jesus said "i am the door", did he literally mean that He was a door? Handle hinges and all?

Of course not. If you think people literally think He is a door? No. And you know that your claim is malarky. The only reason why you lie about this stuff is in an attempt to smear conservatives and people of faith.

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