Wingnut Wrapup

A big load of garbage today, the results of several days' right wing maundering, so let's dive right in:

First, let's start out with a special certificate for projection:

Dick Morris, Town Hall: "Griffith's Party Switch Illustrates The Death Of Moderate Democrats...Griffith's decision to step out of line and refuse to drink the Democratic Kool-Aid illustrates the Achilles' Heel of the Democratic regime in Washington."

Death of moderate Democrats. You've got to laugh- when you get done gagging.

And now the extremely small statue of Ronald Reagan, for the delusion of the day:

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "The Drudge Report may have a right-wing reputation, but it leans left."

Uh huh, Jim. Leans left, compared to whom? Joseph Goebbels? Dick Cheney?

Moe Lane, Red State: "It may seem a Scrooge-like message for this time of year to point out that you cannot spend money that you don’t have"

Unless you're a Republican, I guess. Moe, just do a google search for "George Bush Iraq" and you will see what I mean.

Pammy Geller: "The Democrats are beneath contempt. Nationalizing medicine, destroying this country - they are drunk, literally and figuratively.) If only we could ship the whole commie lot to a communist country, where they belong, and leave the only capitalist, free society alone. "

But wait- there's more!

Pammy: "The whole country should be screaming because we are being deceived. War has been declared on us by a mortal enemy and the political elites are lying to us about its nature, its goals, it objectives. We are doomed to failure. We are told this relentless blood thirsty enemy is a religion of peace."

I guess that earns Pammy the hater of the day trophy. She gets that one almost every day, so it's no big deal. Pam, could you send someone over to pick up your awards? They are filling up our whole closet. Thanks.

Here's a winner in the category of "Let's accuse Obama of everything Bush did, so we can pretend we didn't spend the last eight years supporting the worst president in history:"

Chris Adamo, Renew America: "It is unclear whether Obama and Clinton's ultimate purpose, through such despicable actions, is to buy the loyalty of foreign regimes, or to deplete America's financial resources and thus reduce this country down to a size deemed appropriate by America's leftists.

Admittedly, both Obama and Clinton are sufficiently dim-witted and malignant to attempt either.
Sadly, they have achieved their present status often through fraudulent, illegal, and on occasion, even violent means. The enormity of evidence of such activity, both during the 2008 election cycle and since their advent as the governing power, cannot be indefinitely ignored."

Boy, is that a good description of Bush and Cheney, or what? Too bad they got the names mixed up. Apparently, they can't remember who was president last year. Don't worry, Chris. We remember. All too well.

Phill Kline: "Avatar the movie: the religion of the left"

Phill, it's a movie. We communists are godless, remember? We don't have a religion.

Pat Boone: " King Herod ordered that all Jews had to return to the places where they had been born, a great and expensive inconvenience. It was so Herod could have an accurate census by which he could further levy taxes and control almost everything his subjects did.

Any of that seem at all familiar in our country today?"


World Net Daily Poll: "... among Republicans, 73 percent confirmed "a decrease in freedoms under Obama, up from 61 percent just one month ago....About one in six said they were not very free or not at all free to even put a bumper sticker expressing their political or religious beliefs on their vehicles. One in five expressed the same reservations about discussing their beliefs if the conversation was in a public area. And more than one in four said they were not very or not at all free to express their opinions without fear of government penalty."

Just thought I'd let you know. I wish they'd been more specific about what the government penalty for expressing your opinion is. That would have been nice to know.

World Net Daily: "Where did Obama learn to destroy America?"

Probably from Bush.

Stuart Schwartz, American Thinker: "Seniors Are America's New Jews"

Boy, that's going to put strains on the gefilte fish supply.

J. Robert Smith, American Thinker: "Insist that GOP Make Repeal of Government-Run Health Care a 2010 Issue"

Do that, guy. After all, you have been trying to destroy Social Security, the minimum wage, the 40 hour work week, medicare, civil rights, banking regulations and unions for seventy years. And look where that got you. Oblivion everywhere but among Southern white crackers.

Here's the "Lie So Stupid No One Will Believe It" award:

Mary Matalin: "I was there, we inherited a recession from President Clinton and we inherited the most tragic attack on our own soil in our nation’s history. And President Bush dealt with it"

Bush inherited 9/11 from Clinton. Uh huh. And then he dealt with it. By invading the wrong country.

Michael Gaynor, Renew America: "Of course Obamacare is ACORNcare"

Of course, Michael. On the other hand, Republicancare is NoCare. Take your choice.

Alan Caruba, Renew America: "If you felt a frisson of fear on news that the Senate had passed Obamacare the day before Christmas, then you now know what it was and is like to live in a dictatorship."

You do? Boy, I guess those dictatorships weren't so bad. Of course, being a right winger, you probably really do feel that way. Maybe that's your point- making people think that having a dictator is no worse than having health care. I bet you could convince the teabaggers of that.

Sher Zieve, Renew America: "Now beginning the Era of Captivity, the American people have entered a new stage in their once extremely productive lives. This new phase has been purposefully designed to be unproductive and will be called 'existence.' Existence, however, will soon degrade and devolve — with no one stopping the perpetrators of this abhorrence — into subsistence. After that chapter has been written and read, life will have become so essentially bitter and untenable that additional deteriorations in life-conditions will carry no significant meaning — other than base survival....The facts are there for all to see. Are you preparing for your own eradication under the hammer and sickle of the tyrant?"

The new stage will be called "existence." Who decided that? The death panels? Anyway, are you preparing for your own eradication? It never hurts to be prepared.

Charles Krauthammer, National Review Online: "On Tuesday, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did not just reject President Obama’s latest feckless floating nuclear deadline. He spat on it."

Big deal, Charles. You spit on the truth every day, and where did it get you?

Erick Erickson, Red State: "We have, in the past day, gotten a report from a regular user that one of the advertisements at RedState is spitting out malicious code."

Malicious. Fits right in on Red State, Erick. I guess they just wanted to get in on the party.


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