Unemployment Progress

Not exactly wonderful news, but the unemployment rate dropped this month for the first time in 22 months. That would take us back to the presidency of oh, let me try to remember now....Oh yeah, that great fiscal conservative, George W. Bush.

Republicans who, of course, never gave a damn about the unemployed until they thought they could use the situation to beat up on Obama, will now undoubtedly be thronging to the microphones to congratulate him for turning around another of their God-awful messes.

No? Oh, silly me.


Derek said…
"never gave a damn about the unemployed until they thought they could use the situation to beat up on Obama"

Yes, that is why Bush held an average unemployment of 4.95%. Also, Obama said with the stimulus that we wouldn't go above 8% unemployment. The slight decline is the holiday-bump, we see it every year. Of course, the jobs, mostly retail, aren't exactly the kind most Americans want as careers, especially because many are temporary. The government lists you as underemployed which takes you off the unemployment figure.

"will now undoubtedly be thronging to the microphones to congratulate him for turning around another of their God-awful messes."

Obama invented Christmas? And I still stand by the fact that the Republicans played little role in the crash. You have pointed to the 2003 tax cuts as one of the main causes, but that only shows your ignorance of economics. Try the community reinvestment act (Carter, expanded under clinton) and the artificial lowering of interest rates by the Fed.

But in your eyes, democrats can do no wrong so I obviously must be "lying".
Green Eagle said…

Once again, I have to remind you that this is not a place for Republican talking points.

"the Republicans played little role in the crash."

Grow up, dude. Republican ideology and Republican greed caused this crash just as they caused the great depression. That fact is in doubt as much as global warming, or whether the earth is 6000 years old.

Your childish refusal to accept responsibility for the consequences of your morally degenerate politics makes it nearly certain that we will continue to go through periods like the recent eight years of the worst presidency in history.
Derek said…
"Grow up, dude. Republican ideology and Republican greed caused this crash just as they caused the great depression. "

Economic nationalism and export expansionism caused the great depression. Combined with the struggle of going back to the gold standard. Now tell me, where does small government, reduced deficits, LOWER taxes, and lower regulation play into that? No, those would be Keynesian and liberal ideologies.

Apparently this is a place for your BS lies.

"That fact is in doubt as much as global warming, or whether the earth is 6000 years old."

Yes, because tariffs, regulation, and subsidies are really pillars of the free market.

You have never explained in any intellectual fashion how conservatism is at all to blame for the Great Depression or this past recession.
Green Eagle said…

I have a real job and a real life. I enjoy blogging, but I just don't have the time to deal with your
Republican lies. You have proven time and time again that you know nothing about the Depression, and have nothing to add to the conversation beyond regurgitated cant.
Derek said…
"You have proven time and time again that you know nothing about the Depression, "

Except all the facts and sources I have given you.

You said tax cuts caused this recession. Tax cuts dont cause recessions. Period. Econ 101.

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