Green Eagle Joins the War on Christians

As we are all aware, a persistent story has been swirling around the wingnut world for some years now: that liberals are waging a vicious war of oppression against Christians, particularly white Christians. Well, how might that have happened? I am old enough to remember when the image of a Christian in this country was Reverend Peters down at the Methodist Church running food drives and hosting the local boy scout troop, or kindly old Catholic Father Rooney (well, Father Rooney might have been up to a few not-so-kindly things with the altar boys, but we didn't know that at the time.) That's not true any more. While the millions of decent Christians did nothing, the name of their religion has been seized by a vicious pack of religious fanatics, many of them openly in support of forcing a theocratic dicatatorship on the country. When you hear "Christian" today, you don't think of Albert Schweitzer or Mother Teresa, or even of almost moderate TV preachers ...