No End to the Insanity

There is apparently no depth of irresponsibility that Republican legislators will not sink to:

"Missouri Senate votes to defund driver’s license bureau...Missouri residents could be unable to get driver’s licenses if a funding cut passed Monday by the Missouri Senate were to ultimately become law.

If the entire $3.5 million allotment for the Motor Vehicle and Driver Licensing Division ultimately is eliminated: “They will not be able to issue any driver’s licenses,” Schaefer, a Columbia Republican, acknowledged."

Why did this happen?  Because of some harebrained conspiracy theory involving gun rights, which apparently was bought into by the Republicans in the Missouri Senate. 

Is there any way that Republicans can destroy the functioning of government that they won't stoop to?  I just don't know any more.

Before writing this off as sheer lunacy, I must report on the substance of a comment to one of the articles dealing with this idiocy:  This commenter suggested that there may be a more malignant motive than sheer mental imbalance behind all of this.  You can't register to vote without a State ID.  Most Republicans, being older, are already registered.  Could this possibly be an attempt to prevent younger people, who are largely Democrats, from registering to vote, putting off for a few more pathetic years the utter collapse of the Republicans' ability to maintain power despite representing an ever decreasing share of the voters?  At this point, I can't think that any sane person would think something like this would be beneath them.

Everything like this (and we see things like it every day) moves us one step closer to a very ugly day of reckoning in this country.  And no one in control seems to be willing to do anything about it.


Infidel753 said…
Could this possibly be an attempt to prevent younger people, who are largely Democrats, from registering to vote,

I think you're on to something there. Vote suppression backfired spectacularly in the 2012 election, but they don't seem to have learned that lesson at all. It still seems to be one of their favorite straws to clutch at.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Make Voting contingent upon having a Driver's License, then make Driver's Licenses impossible to get.

Smells like...

Poll P. said…
G.E., you're starting to sound as alarmed as Prof. Krugman!
dixie blood said…
This action seems to be more about gun registration than voting rights. Here's a link:
Unknown said…
No, No, No.... this was an attempt by the representatives of Missouri too cut the nose off Nixon, the Governor. here is hw it goes. several years ago, the "party" passed a law, not supposed to not make a list of daffy people, or those who want a concealed carry permit. Thats cool, now the party puts in one of their toadies, too lead the State Police. He likes lists, and must be as paranoid as heck, he creates a list of concealed carry, because as an investigator, you would want a list of permits, to check the validity of the permit you are handed. Thats cool. This part I haven't figured out but I know of the logic...backwoods Missouri..I'd want to know if the person I was going too investigate was armed,,damned tootin, a SSA investigator must have called too many times, and thats the scoop, now no more lists, So, how do they prove if the CCP permit is good? Cannot check it against a database, so I culd write one in crayon and it's good ....
I'm hoping the people of Missouri are smarter then a stump, but Ackin, is still in politics here.
Ed said…
I suggest that those who are most concerned about it should go in to the business of issuing driver's licenses.
Green Eagle said…
A good idea, Ed, but I don't think it goes quite far enough. I think we could issue a combined driver's license/concealed carry permit. Then, everyone would automatically be able to carry concealed weapons if they were allowed to drive. And at the same time, this document should be a license to open a marijuana dispensary. This would drastically cut down on the oppressive government bureaucracy, and increase our freedom.
Anonymous said…
Missouri could put themselves in the same position as the Rethuglicans here in Pennsylvania. They passed a Voter Suppression law when PennDOT could not possibly issue all the required IDs. The State Supreme Court stepped in after the Commonwealth Court refused to stop the laws.

The Supreme Court did not overturn the law but ordered the lower court to issue an injunction unless the judge could prove no voter would be disenfranchised.

The PA Supreme Court was split evenly because a Republican judge was under incitement. She has since been convicted and resigned.

Will the Missouri court system have the guts to stop the madness?

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