Stupidity And Contempt for Decency

Add them together and you get "Republican."

Today's example, and proof of the House Republicans' promise from the 2010 election to remain "focused like a laser on jobs:"

"Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) is floating legislation that would name most U.S. coastal waters after former President Ronald Reagan.

Issa reintroduced his bill Wednesday to rename the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone, which generally extends from three miles to 200 miles offshore, as the Ronald Wilson Reagan Exclusive Economic Zone."

Man, I am so glad that they care so much about keeping their promises and showing any scrap of respect to this country and its people.  This single action should be enough for this jackass to be jeered out of office.  But unlike the time that Obama slipped and accidentally said he's been to "57 states" instead of 47, which will never be forgotten and has become an ironclad proof that, like all Negroes, he's pretty dumb, this will be ignored by everyone.  Issa is, after all, a Republican, and consequently he has a right to be as stupid and vicious as he wants.


Magpie said…
They love their false messiah...
Dave Dubya said…
These fascistic hypocrites wouldn't let Reagan run for dog catcher these days. They brand him a "compromising RINO" and teabag him out of their party.
mastercynic said…
I think we should dedicate the entire world-wide economic collapse and modern oligarchy to him and his "trickle-down" scam - aka, piss on the poor.
Green Eagle said…
The Ronald Reagan Depression. I love it.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Ronald Reagan's Piss Down Your Back and Tell You It's Raining Recession
Green Eagle said…
I like that even better.
Anonymous said…
wow and Obama is doing such a great job! At least you won't hear how bad things are unless Romeny wins

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