My Reaction to Obama's Speech

I don't give a damn any more what this guy has to say.  No matter what it is, it always turns out to be a cover for another sellout.

I care about what he does, and at this point, that isn't giving me much of a good feeling.


Bamboo said…
I got into the first minute when he said that since our founding we have always valued free markets and I turned it off....

We had tariffs and quotas on markets came about in the 1950's...
Jerry Critter said…
He said the right words. Now, we need to watch for the action. Unfortunately, most of the action will not come until after the 2012 elections, although we do have a year left to watch.

The current budget fight should be interesting.
mastercynic said…
Once again he has presented what the end of negotiations should produce as the starting point for those negotiations - exactly what the Republicans want. Now they can attack this reasonable mid-point with overwhelming media coverage of their lies (such as the entire Ryan budget plan) and make what the remaining few good, but spineless, Democrats swallow something that moves our country ever closer to the totalitarian oligarchy I expect to see in place within the next decade or two.

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