A Comment on Birther Mania

Well, birtherism seemed to be dying, but now it is back stronger than ever.  We've got an idiot in a toupee running on top of the Republican pack, on nothing but the birther issue, Michelle Bachmann is pushing the limits again, and even Jerome Corsi, Mr. Swift Boat himself, is publishing a book on the subject.

My readers will know that I have followed this totally bogus "issue" continuously.  In my opinion, it is absolutely no accident that it is coming back, and here is why.  The Repubican party has decided once again that only doom lies ahead for them if they try to fight an election campaign based on issues, or based on their past performance.  So they have determined to do everything they can to see to it that the 2012 election turns into a sick side show, concentrating on nothing but the most nonsensical and irrelevant claims, with a good helping of pure racism thrown in.  They are counting on the mainstream press to aid them in this effort by devoting endless coverage to their idiocy, to the exclusion of any  real discussion of how we got into the mess we are in or how we can get out.  And judging from the past couple of decades, they are fully justified in their confidence that the press will join them in tying the anchor to our necks and pushing us overboard.


BB-Idaho said…
Eisenhower is rolling over in his grave...
Anonymous said…
And where was Trump born? The Hair Club For Pinheads?
Dave Dubya said…
The Fourth Reich have much to be thankful for in the "liberal media" for carrying their message with little correction of fact.

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