Liberal Violence Update

With the onslaught of incessant terrorist incidents patently provoked by right wing leaders, Conservatives have been desperate to try to "prove" (in their usual fashion of just making things up) that the left is just as bad.

A recent example of this is to be found on the right the last couple of days- the claims that both Sarah Palin and George W. Bush have had to cancel speaking engagements because of left wing threats.

Let's deal with Sarah first.  She claimed that she had to back out of an appearance at a Colorado fundraiser for military families because of the imminent danger of violence against her.  Well, here's a statement from the police:

"We've had no problems," Glendale, Colorado Police Chief Victor Ross told The Denver Post. "We are not aware of any specific threats."

On Friday, The Sharon K Pacheco Foundation re-announced that Palin would keynote its Patriots & Warriors Gala on May 2 in Glendale -- and that ticket prices had been reduced by half... The event was to serve as an awards banquet and a fundraiser for military families and children who have lost loved ones in combat."

Perhaps the real reason that she didn't show up was that they couldn't sell the tickets.  By the way, Sarah wasn't so threatened that she skipped the Republican presidential candidates' forum she attended instead.  Personal career advancement versus families of dead soldiers- boy that isn't a hard decision, right?  Not if you're a Republican.

Now, for our sainted ex-president.  He was forced to abandon a speaking engagement too.  In America?  No, in Switzerland.  Because of threats of violence?  No, because if he set foot in Switzerland, he was going to be arrested by the Swiss government and put on trial for war crimes in Iraq. 

Well, there's your left wing violence, to counter people running around shooting Congress members, Federal judges and police.  See, they're all the same.


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