False Equivalence on the March

Here, unfortunately, is another example of the insistence on the part of the mainstream media on holding both parties responsible for the malignant behavior of Republicans.  I first saw this article by Ron Brownstein in the L.A. Times yesterday; the link is from the National Journal, where it was also published.

Here's the title of the article:

"Republican governors are leading a frontal assault on President Obama’s agenda."

The article continues for several hundred words in the following vein:

"In Washington, Obama is already colliding with a conservative GOP House majority determined to slash spending and regulation. But the president also faces multiplying conflicts with Republican governors. The breadth and intensity of these confrontations dwarfs the level of tension between Bill Clinton and a previous generation of conservative GOP governors in the 1990s. Indeed, it’s difficult to think of another president who faced as much resistance on as many fronts from governors in the opposite party as Obama is encountering today."

So far, so good.  But catch Brownstein's conclusion:
"American politics increasingly resembles a kind of total war in which each party mobilizes every conceivable asset at its disposal against the other. Most governors were once conscientious objectors in that struggle. No more."

Yes, after detailing the atrocious, out of control behavior of elected Republican officials, Brownstein cannot resist ending by blaming Democrats equally for this behavior, even though he could not find one Democratic action which demonstrated this.  Whatever low, contemptible behavior the Republican party engages in, and whatever the evidence, the mainstream press is determined to hold Democrats equally to blame.  And we wonder why the American people can't distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys.


Poll P. said…
Along the same lines, why is palin's every move hailed by Fox as genius, when objective evidence points to her being increasingly seem by the public as trivial -- irrelevant?

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