Are All Republican Congressmen Like This?

It's happened again.  Republican conservative congressman Christopher Lee, shown here:

has had his political career brought to a screeching halt, after the married congressman was discovered sending the photo on the right to women he contacted on Craig's list.

You know, this thing isn't even about sex.  It's about the fact that Republicans have awarded themselves the right to do any damned thing they please, just like the rich people who own them.  And yet their supposedly moral followers will not make a whimper when the ones who get caught are replaced with equally sickening people who just haven't gotten caught yet.

Well, get ready for about nine thousand posts on right wing blogs in the next few days about Bill Clinton's blow job and John Edwards' affair, since Republicans' only answer to getting endlessly caught in situations like this, is to claim that Democrats are worse.  Too bad these guys couldn't copyright their libidos, the way Sarah Palin is trying to do with her name, or the Republican party would make them millions.


Poll P. said…
He doesn't do it for me.
Leslie Parsley said…
I wrote a piece in June 2009 about "bipartisan affairs." At that time it the Republicans and Democrats were running neck and neck. By now I'm sure members of the GOP have taken the lead.
Shaw Kenawe said…
What the conservatives fail to understand [Surprise!] is that it is the GOP that boasts about being the party of "real Americans" [Sarah Palin], and the party of "family values." So when one of their own abandons family values, it is especially ironic.

Sort of like the Pope lecturing the world about moral values.

Democrats, to my knowledge, have never pretended to be anything other than people with normal human failings.
Pamela Zydel said…
I don't think it's wrong to speak about values IF you are going to walk the walk.

President Obama spoke about how men shouldn't abandon their children, and he's a good father.

But these politicians shouldn’t be preaching about family values, etc., if they are out screwing around and if they aren’t immoral then they most certainly shouldn't PUT themselves in situations which could jeopardize their values. (My opinion of course)
Eric Noren said…
Really, family values? That old saw? Let's be fair: both Democrats and Republicans are human and occasionally give in to their sexual urges.

At least Republicans have the class to resign when they get caught. Democrats fight tooth and nail to stay in power, and even get reelected after they get caught.
Dave Dubya said…

Yes "family values" that the Reich Wing say we commie liberals do not have.

Ever heard of Vitter, Ensign, and Strom Thurmond? Did they resign? No.

And what about dear old Mr. Family Values himself, Newt.


GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich's campaign worker Anne Manning, admitted that she gave Newt oral sex while he was still married to his first wife, essentially placing Newt in the exact same position President Clinton had to endure when Gingrich and his cronies maintained their pressure over the Lewinski incident. Gingrich informed one wife he was filing for divorce while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer treatments.

According to information revealed toward the end of his life, Strom Thurmond had as a younger man raped and impregnated a 15-year old African American maid.

There are no greater hypocrites than Republicans.
Anonymous said…
they shouldn't talk about family values although I can't say I ever even heard of this guy. They should just not have it be a platform this way they can have illegitimate children and get BJ's in the oval Office and not look hypocritical.
But I see you already defended it like it's ok.
You forgot about Elliot Spitzer and Barney Franks gay prostitute ring fro which I believe was given a standing ovation for after the got caught and went to "Homosexuals Anonomymous"
Shaw Kenawe said…
"At least Republicans have the class to resign when they get caught. Democrats fight tooth and nail to stay in power, and even get reelected after they get caught."

Oh. You mean like Vitter and Ensign?

And is Edwards still in politics?
Shaw Kenawe said…
OOOps, Dave Dubya, I stepped on your toes, and posted my comment before I read yours. But yes, it is amazing that the Heathen Republican would suggest that certain GOPers would "resign" when facts show they don't.
Anonymous said…
The President got a BJ in the oval office. I think the democrats are the clear winners here.
Green Eagle said…
In this case, I'm happy to say "I told you so."

In the minds of conservatives, it all comes down to Bill Clinton's blow job.

It's all they've got.
Anonymous said…
In the minds of conservatives, it all comes down to Bill Clinton's blow job.

It's all they've got.

And it should.Nothing like disgracing the Highest Office. There were some rape charges in there too that got dropped . I am sure there were some threats there.
Green Eagle said…
"In the minds of conservatives, it all comes down to Bill Clinton's blow job.

It's all they've got.

And it should"

Anonymous, you are such a card. And such a good conservative.

With all your guys' blabbing about fiscal responsibility, you'd think the fact that he balanced the budget, in between Republican administrations that piled up huge deficits, would be a little more important than his blow job, but no. He's a Democrat, so the fact that he actually did what your guys just scream about means nothing.

Thanks for once again demonstrating that Conservatives care nothing for the welfare of our country.

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