Wingnut Wrapup

Yeah, they're still here, and so is Green Eagle.  Which one of those facts is a worse portent for the future of the country, I leave to you to decide.

I want to start out with the most monumental act of self-delusion that any Trump supporter ever thought of, and that is quite a feat:

Liz Crokin:  "Mueller & President Trump are Pulling the Biggest Sting in History...Trump’s famous “because you’d be in jail” line is constantly rotated throughout the Internet via memes and videos on social media to this day; however, what many seem to have forgotten is the first part of Trump’s statement: he promised to assign a special prosecutor to look into Clinton’s crimes. 

Fast forward to May 16, President Trump is now in the White House and meets with Robert Mueller...Trump was finalizing his decision to appoint Mueller as his special prosecutor to investigate Clinton.  The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct an investigation including “any links and/or coordination between Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” 

Trump did not collude with Russia. The left and the media have carried that narrative based off of lies and a fake dossier. Trump allowed them to carry their false narrative because he knew he was innocent and that the investigation would eventually turn to the real parties who colluded with Russia...the Clintons.  Mueller was hired to investigate Clinton, period."

Trump and Mueller are cooking up a gigantic scam to catch Hillary.  Yep, that is what is going on.  The indictments and guilty pleas against Trump's staff?  Just part of the joke, I guess.  As the evidence against Trump becomes more and more conclusive, the absolute insanity is becoming greater and greater.  God knows what will come next.

Guy Benson, Town Hall:  "CNN Host: Do Trump's 'Threatening' North Korea Tweets Violate Twitter's Terms of Service?"

Because the worst thing about threatening to start a nuclear war to save your own traitorous ass is whether you said too much on twitter.  I mean, is pushing the world closer to nuclear annihilation a misuse of Twitter?  Let's discuss that for a few weeks while this deranged jackass carries on wrecking the country.

Guy Benson, Town Hall:  "Conway: Listen Carefully, Democrats. There Will Be No DACA Deal Without the Wall."

Shutdown, here we come.

Ben Shapiro, Town Hall:  "America's Left in the Grip of Insanity"

I tried to read this, I really did.  But in the end, I just couldn't be bothered by the opinions of the nation's slimiest little twerp.  I hope that's okay with you.

And now the (I hope) monster lie of the day:

Walter Williams:  "The most often stated cause of the Great Depression is the October 1929 stock market crash. Little is further from the truth."

No, the real cause of the Great Depression was every thing Democrats ever did in their entire history.  The fact that the Depression came right after the Stock Market crash, after a decade of Republican control of the economy, in which they deliberately steered every increase in wealth to the very top, and the economy almost immediately started to recover as soon as Democrats took over?  A mere fiction. 

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "The View on Iran Protests: We're On The Verge Of Stoning Gays Here, You Know"

Well, hate to break it to you, but if you guys stay in charge, that will be coming in a couple of years.

Leah Barkoukis, Town Hall:  "Trump Just Put Kim Jong Un In His Place on Nuclear Threat"

By bragging about the size of his penis?  Yeah, that was a real high point in the history of Presidential diplomacy.

Susan Wright, Red State:  "SHOTS FIRED! The White House Responds to Bannon Quotes From New Book...You had to know Trump wasn’t going to let this pass."

Of course not. Not Trump.  He's too deranged and filled with hatred to do that.

Tyler O'Neil, PJ Media:  "5 Things to Know About the Iran Protests and How Badly the Liberal Media Botched the Story"

Mainly that the "liberal media" did not use the story to justify Donald Trump's starting a war to make it impossible to hold him responsible for his treason.  I mean, that's what the media is for, right, covering up Republicans' crimes?

Bridget Johnson, PJ Media:  "Iran's IRGC Commander Blames Hillary Clinton for Creating 'Riot and Anarchy' Protests"

Hey, something else they agree with Donald Trump about.

Tyler O'Neil, PJ Media:  "President Trump Takes Credit for Zero Commercial Jet Deaths, No Hijackings, in 2017...A major safety victory — and a win in the war on terror?"

No word on whether he is taking credit for the zero commercial jet deaths and no hijackings in the US for the last seven years of the Obama administration, or whether he is also taking credit for the fact that 2017 was the safest year in history for worldwide air travel.

Lucian Wintrich, Gateway Pundit:  "Analysis: Is The MSM To Blame For Current Trump / Bannon Conflict?"

Huh?  Well, to judge from the article, that is not certain, but what we do know is that not one shred of this is Donald Trump's fault for hiring this drunken, racist hatemonger in the first place.

Gateway Pundit:  "Wake Up to the French Toast of Your Dreams"

Listed here as the first story at Gateway Pundit in years that has a shred of a chance of being true.

Christina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "Chelsea Clinton Denies Worshiping Satan"

I mean, the story was out there, so it would have been wrong to ignore it, right?

Christina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "BREAKING: Fire Reported at Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Chappaqua Home – Burning the Evidence?"

Evidence of what?  That, Christina has no word on.

Larry Klayman, Renew America:  "Freedom-loving Americans must support brave Bundys"

Well, okay, but I don't even know if they are still showing reruns of this any more.

Washington Times:  "Trump tweets condolences to victims of Colorado shooting: 'We love our police'

Notice that there is not a word from the Washington Times or Trump himself, concerning the fact that the shooter was a right wing Aryan Supremacist.  They have also been pretty silent about the Aryan Supremacist, one of the "good people" who participated in the Nazi riot in Charlottesville, who was just arrested trying to wreck a train.

World Net Daily:  "Study: Young male refugees fueling violence in…"

Candy stores?  Bear cages?  Who knows?

World Net Daily:  "Iceland makes it illegal to pay women less than…"

Puppies?  Just guessing.  No chance of a law like that passing in this country, of course.  Socialism!  Okay, okay, here's the picture.
Satisfied now?

Brian C. Joondeph, American Thinker:  "NeverTrumps Renamed: AlwaysDemocrats"

Probably true, since there does not seem to be a Republican on earth that will actually stand up against this corrupt, hate filled traitor.

Monica Showalter, American Thinker:  "Would Iranians really bring back the Shah?"

Probably not, given as how he has been dead for decades, and would consequently be only a slightly better national leader than Trump.  And if you need another reason, he was one of the most brutal dictators of the twentieth century, whose secret police were responsible for the torture and death of at least 20,000 people.  People in the United States, which propped him up with arms and money until it took a pack of religious fanatics with foreign funding to get rid of him, have forgotten all about that, but believe me, the people in Iran still remember.

John Washington, American Thinker:  "Now Baltimore activists want the police back"

Surprise!  Decent people want good police, but they are unhappy with pack of racist murderers in uniform.  Who would have ever thought that?

Breitbart:  "Trump Supporters Protest DACA Amnesty Outside Democrat Lawmaker’s Office"

All twelve of them, apparently:

"A new poll by Pulse Opinion Research shows overwhelming support among Americans for eliminating the Visa Lottery, with 60 percent saying the program should be ended."

A new poll, conducted by Pulse Opinion Research.  Pulse Opinion Research is a name lately being used by Rasmussen, a right wing propaganda factory disguised as a polling company, which specializes in producing "polls" that show Republicans ahead in everything.  I guess too many people have caught on, thus the new fake name.  Green Eagle will be watching these guys.

David Limbaugh, Town Hall:  "Underestimating Trump Supporters"

Well, don't worry too much, David.  There are at least two things we are never going to underestimate about Trump supporters:  their intelligence and their decency.  It isn't possible to underestimate those.

Michael Brown, Town Hall:  "Has President Trump Lost His Mind or Has CNN Lost Its Bearings?"

CNN and every other sentient person in the world.  I go with Trump losing his mind.

Jonah Goldberg,  Town Hall:  "'Fire and Fury' Is Much Ado About Nothing New"

A couple of days ago, while I was cooking, I saw the idiot Chuck Todd allow George Will to come on his show and insist at great length this same thing, so I assume it is a current Republican line:  "Hey, we all knew all along that Trump was a stupid, belligerent, ignorant crook, so there's no news here, and we need to just forget about it."  Sorry, George and Jonah, at this point, we're mainly in it for the laughs, and so far, it's a joke that never grows old.

Mona Charen, Town Hall:  "Don't Dance on Bannon's Grave Yet"

No, ma'am.  I'm waiting until he's in it.

Streiff, Red State:  "Senate Judiciary Committee Sends a Criminal Referral to Dept. of Justice That Will Shock You"

That would be a "criminal referral" to pursue charges against Christopher Steele, the author of the Steele Dossier. Talk about trying to kill the messenger.  Two things to note here:  first, the accusation: that Steele somehow misled Congress about which reporters he talked to.  The Republican Senators seem to be absolutely uninterested in the substance of his evidence of Trump's treason.  And second, if you are curious about what a "criminal referral" is, it isn't anything.  It's a letter to the Justice department asking them to investigate someone for something.  It has no legal standing, and it could have as easily come from me or you as from Chuck Grassley and Lindsay Graham. 

Caleb Howe, Red State:  "“Green” Northeast Resorted To Burning Oil To Generate Electricity As Temperatures Plunged Last Week"

GIGANTIC SCANDAL!!!!   In the worst cold snap in decades, some States actually had to supplement their current capacity to generate renewable energy with oil.  Of course, this couldn't possibly be due to endless Republican sabotage of efforts to move to renewable sources of energy, or to Republicans seeing to it that global warming and the accompanying temperature instability get worse and worse every year.  No, it's because of...something bad that liberals did. We don't know what, but that must be the answer.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Stunning...In President Trump’s first year in office the goods producing jobs – construction, manufacturing, etc. – were up 600% over the previous year."

Amazing.  Here, in case you are interested is an actual chart from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Actual job growth (I assume that's what this idiot is talking about; I doubt even he is a big enough liar to claim that there are six times as many jobs as there were a year ago:) 1.59%, or approximately 1/377th of what Jim claimed.  Close enough for Republicans.

And close enough to the end for Green Eagle.  See you soon (unfortunately for both of us.)


DivaNewYork said…
Thanks for this wrapup and the work you do for us!
ez said…
Not the biggest surprise prediction ever, but props are due, well done.

(Guy Benson, Town Hall) "Conway: Listen Carefully, Democrats. There Will Be No DACA Deal Without the Wall."

(Green Eagle) Shutdown, here we come."

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