Shithole Countries

I actually don't think a word of comment about this incident is necessary.  Let's just not forget that it happened today.


Flying Junior said…
I didn't get that Trump was a racist until just now.
Green Eagle said…
Why, none of us did, right, Junior? I mean, we have to give him the benefit of the doubt- he is the President and we have to respect him. Eight years from now, when a Democrat is elected, that will be plenty of time to start screeching for impeachment, just the way Republicans did with Clinton and Obama, when it was Reagan, Bush and Trump who should have been impeached, two of them for treason and the third for starting a criminal war of aggression.
gruaud said…
Why would Norwegians want to come to this shithole?
Sam240 said…
I think Trump chose Norway because that's where Anders Behring Breivik was from.
Green Eagle said…
Sam, I thought of that too, and I would easily believe it, as far as what a sewer Trump's values are, but I doubt that he has a memory of that incident.

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