Wingnut Wrapup

Man, the wingnuts were howling today. It's not often any more that I can get a whole Wingnut Wrapup from a single day's idiocy, but here goes. And a particular shout out to the guys and gals at Town Hall, who were really off the deep end: Ann Coulter, Town Hall: "Send Us Your Violent Bigots, Yearning to Butcher Our Citizens" How about we just send a couple to you, Ann? Brent Bozell, Town Hall: "One Man's Hitler Fascination" This particularly disgusting post is a smear of John F. Kennedy, based on something he supposedly said sometime in the 1930's. I love things like this because they really show how little right wingers can find to complain about regarding today's Democrats. Dennis Prager, Town Hall: "The 'Muslims-Killed-by-the-West' Lie...Throughout the Muslim and leftist worlds it is believed -- and our children are taught this at college -- that America, the UK. and other countries are targeted by Muslims because we kill ...