Reality Versus The Republicans

Here are a couple of stories, complete with graphs, detailing what we lefties foolishly value as actually being, you know, "true." They run against what we are told every day by Republicans and the miserable excuse we have for a mainstream press, so I guess I shouldn't be mentioning them, but I never studied journalism, so apparently I haven't yet figured out that it's not about "truth," whatever that is. First, we learn this surprising fact (surprising if you only listen to our nation's "serious voices") from Daily Kos: "U.S. has been doing austerity, and it's been hurting, not helping" Hurting, just like everywhere else in the world that it's been tried. Here's a comparison of government hiring during the current recession, with hiring during every other recession in recent times: You know that the vast majority of American have been conned by the media into believing that Obama does nothing but expand g...