Hate to Splash Cold Water on That...

So, Mitt Romney, in one week, has demonstrated to anyone who cares to see it that:

1.  He is an ignorant, belligerent fool that knows nothing about the world, and is willing to use any foreign policy disaster to benefit himself.

2.  He is a self-entitled person who was born into a rich and powerful family, and is willing to spread the most loathsome smears about anyone who wasn't lucky enough to have started out with his advantages.

3.  And to sum it up, he is the least qualified Presidential candidate in the last hundred years.

Many here in the reality based world are whooping for joy at what would, in a rational country, have totally destroyed any chance this guy had to end up on anything but the losing end of one of the biggest landslides in world history.

It ain't going to happen.  Romney's piggish, un-American behavior is not going to dislodge a single vote from his side, and may actually increase the commitment of a lot of right wingers to vote for him.  This is because, unlike us, Republicans don't vote for what is good for the country, what is fair or even what is good for them personally.  The Republican party has spent decades whipping its followers into a frenzy of greed and hatred, and it has succeeded so well that Romney's vicious, dishonest lies are actually exactly what they want to hear.  They don't want truth and they don't give a damn about common human decency.  They want a candidate who is willing to echo their own mindless rage, and for the next six weeks that's exactly what they are going to get from Romney.

In the end, this election is not going to be about the economy, nor about who is better suited to lead the country, or who would be better at foreign policy.  It is going to be a referendum on whether we will pick our leader based on his ability, or on nothing but a self-destructive eruption of mindless rage.


Smerky Mcmoney's super pacs are spending at 15 to 1 over democrat super pacs.
Advertising works, maybe, just maybe the product is so faulty it won't be enough, but I really worry.
Green Eagle said…
I agree. If they can't win an election, there is a good chance that they can just buy it.

Of course, if they do, bye bye United States, but most people don't seem to really care.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Because of the Republican Con Game of the last 30 years there are a large amount of Americans who demand government keep their hands of their Medicare...

As such, they know that their social security and their farm subsidy and their housing grant and their contract from the DoD isn't a government program...

This is going to be counted as a Plus by the conservative dupes who will cheer as Mitt Romney increases their taxes and steals their social security...
mastercynic said…
I don't know, I keep reading that Romney is the victim here. So, I'm guessing you liberal jackholes faked the video.

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