And nobody hears it, is it really running for President at all? First of all, a note about my absence lately: My wife got me to sign up for an account at Threads, which is sort of like X without the assholes. I've spent a little time establishing myself there, and I have to say, I do like the relatively immediate exchange of views, but I don't mean to give up my blog- there are still so many things that can't be dealt with in a couple hundred words, so, perhaps to your dismay, I am back. So, what motivated the above question is the fact that the Sunday New York Times today had seven articles about Trump, and absolutely zero about Kamala Harris. The Republicans have a problem with Harris, in that virtually everyone who sees her likes her and immediately understands how qualified she is to be President. They have tried mightily the last month to find some way to smear her, but have been spectacularly unsuccessful- the tactics of character assassination that worked so we
“I would love to know more. What I know is troubling enough. ... If you think about it, his perspective as growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather, their view of the Mau Mau Revolution in Kenya is very different than ours because he probably grew up hearing that the British were a bunch of imperialists who persecuted his grandfather,” - Mike Huckabee.
Sneaky little worm.
Later, Huckabee's spokesperson said Huckabee "missspoke," and that Huckabee meant that Obama grew up in Indonesia.
There were no Mau-Maus in Indonesia.
It is a well-known fact that Mr. Obama's father abandoned him when Obama was a toddler.
Mr. Obama spent the years 6 thru 10in Indonesia, then went to live with his mother's parents in Hawaii, where he "grew up."
Some "misspeaking," eh?
These people disgust me.
Closed minded morons will believe anything.
I think our best bet is instead of fighting back with facts and data, just come up with better bullshit to keep these jokers from supporting republicans.