Right Wing Investigative Journalism In Action

I thought it would be interesting to show how conservative journalists seek out authoritative information about an important story, and how each one contributes his or her own time and effort to find the whole truth, so their readers can get a really full understanding of an event's significance.  I noticed, on some wingnut website, a story about one Patrick Knauf, in Wisconsin, which the mainstream media have ignored, so I thought I would bring you some of the coverage of this vital story over there on the right.  Here are a few excerpts from various right wingers.  As usual, I could have provided quite a few more in a similar vein, but I think you can learn all you need to know by examining these:

Big Government:  Far Left protester Patrick J. Knauf, 43, of Eau Claire was arrested on Wednesday for the violation of making a bomb scare"

Fox News:  "Far Left protester Patrick J. Knauf, 43, of Eau Claire was arrested on Wednesday for the violation of making a bomb scare"

Free Republic:  "Far Left protester Patrick J. Knauf, 43, of Eau Claire was arrested on Wednesday for the violation of making a bomb scare"

Gateway Pundit:  "Far Left protester Patrick J. Knauf, 43, of Eau Claire was arrested on Wednesday for the violation of making a bomb scare"

IsGlennBeckRight:  "Far Left protester Patrick J. Knauf , 43, of Eau Claire was arrested on Wednesday for the violation of making a bomb scare"

Blogster:  "Far Left protester Patrick J. Knauf , 43, of Eau Claire was arrested on Wednesday for the violation of making a bomb scare "

Lucianne.Com  (that would be Jonah Goldberg's mother):  "Far Left protester Patrick J. Knauf, 43, of Eau Claire was arrested on Wednesday for the violation of making a bomb scare"

Randy's Right:  "Far Left protester Patrick J. Knauf, 43, of Eau Claire was arrested on Wednesday for the violation of making a bomb scare under state"

Sister Toldjah:  "Far Left Protester Patrick J. Knauf, 43, of Eau Claire was arrested for the violation of making a bomb scare"

Conservatives For America:  "Far Left Protester Patrick J. Knauf, 43, of Eau Claire was arrested for the violation of making a bomb scare"

Alipac:  "Far Left protester Patrick J. Knauf, 43, of Eau Claire was arrested on Wednesday for the violation of making a bomb scare"

Well, I guess you get the idea.

I suppose it isn't necessary to tell you that, in none of the several dozen wingnut sites I looked at, nor in anything else I could find in a half hour or so of looking online, did I find one shred of evidence regarding this person's political affiliations.  In fact, given the fact that he is a White man with a German name involved in an alleged bombing incident, it would be easy, if Democrats were as careless with the truth as some people I could mention, to suggest that he is probably an Aryan supremacist.  Funny, it hasn't occurred to any of the left-leaning blogs I read, to make such a claim, let alone in identical language.

Now, here's the funny part of this story.  Mr. Knauf has been let go on $3000 bond.  This has been reported by a number of right wing jackasses without a single one of them pausing for a second to try to remember the last terrorist bomber let out of prison on less bond than a shoplifting suspect.  The authorities are really taking this guy seriously, I guess.  Well, maybe the judge is under the control of George Soros.

Update!  Green Eagle's exhaustive journalism has now uncovered this shocking story:

"East Greenbush-Patrick J. Knauf age 43 years of Troy Road passed away Friday October 15, 2004 at Westchester Hospital in Vallahalla"

Yes, readers!  Not only is Patrick J. Knauf a "far left protester," he is a ZOMBIE!  Most of you have no idea how bad things have gotten in America.


magpie said…
The report I found said "No suspicious items were located. Police said there is no additional threat to the public or concerns about safety. This appears to be an isolated incident, police said."

In counting the number of sites that carried the identical wording "Far Left protester Patrick J. Knauf, 43, of Eau Claire was arrested..." (I got up to 46 before I got bored with the exercise) I noted the original wording in the newspaper report appears to be the same - but without the "Far Left protester" tacked onto the front.

They're so lazy... the Right-wing bullshit brigade...they just put "Far Left protester" on the front of a quote, present that as if it was the authoritative source statement, and then mass reproduce it for all their legions of frothing idiots.

He could be Left-wing, of course, but no-one knows yet.
He could be zombie too.
Shaw Kenawe said…
Somewhere in the depths of their bleak and wizened souls, the radical righties know it is on the losing side of history. They may win a few battles (q.v. Scott Walker, et.al.) but they will not win the war, no matter how insistently they lie.
Green Eagle said…
Shaw, you are absolutely right. I believe that, when the American people failed to fall in sufficient numbers for Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, they figured out pretty consciously that they were losing their grip, and that their only hope of retaining their control on the country came in the form of a vicious assault on decency, coupled with out and out criminal corruption, such as that which placed George Bush in the White House and which produced the Citizens' United ruling.

Of course, there are many followers who are too ignorant to see this, but believe me, the leaders all know their only hope is in spreading hatred and lies.
Anonymous said…
This blog is racist to assume a Germanic named person from Wisconsin for gosh' sakes is going to be connected to Aryan/Nazism.


Also, could not readily find it but I think "Russ", the Left wing Wisconsin blogger may have a Germanic name, former "Liberal" representative Democrat of Wisconsin, Russ Feingold as well may be a Germanic name.




Iran Islamic Republic, hanging women?? Hanged 66 people in one month?? Yeah, real darlings aren't they.
Anonymous said…
Wrong Link, Russ has "filtered news blog"


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