Your Mainstream Press

They just won't give up normalizing the monstrosities we are forced to swallow from the Republican party.  Case in point today, the headline article in the Los Angeles Times:

"Trump trip drives home America's new course...President's embrace of autocrats and criticism of allies set him apart from his predecessor"

How about this for a change?  "President's embrace of autocrats and criticism of allies set him apart from every decent human being on earth."

Thus, humanity and degradation become but two equal choices.  Democratic leaders?  Dictators?  Hey, it's just a matter of picking a "new course."  Because it's all the same, you see.

And until the mainstream press refers to Republicans as the hideous criminals they are, don't even start talking to me about the liberal press, or even the halfway between press.  When you serve to cover evil, you are evil too, and when you provide cover for the endless evil behavior of Republicans, you are not their dupes, but their collaborators.


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