Trump Bows To Saudi King

Do you remember the last eight years of right wing smear merchants screaming about Obama bowing to the Saudi King, because the much taller Obama leaned over to shake hands with him?  Well, I hope to hell that we see this picture every day until Trump is dead:

Well, what do you expect?  Give him something made out of gold, and he'd crawl across the room on his belly to get his hands on it.


Zog said…
[Content warning: for those with queasy stomachs, the link goes to a picture of the second-worst President since the Civil War. Although if you could stomach Trump, I don't think this one should be as disturbing.]

At least King Salman has enough sense not to kiss Trump.
Green Eagle said…
Oy. You really had to go there.
Magpie said…
Maybe didn't want to encourage the Donald to go grabbing anything.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Now he's been given the Loc-Nar...
ez said…
I believe the current value limit on gifts to the President is around 400 dollars. Any gift over that goes into the National Archives. I'm guessing the bauble from the Saudi's far exceeds that limit so wave bye bye to it Mr Trump, it's not going to be yours for long.

Hopefully he demands to keep it and it becomes one more part of the charges of Impeachment, misuse of Office for gain.

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