People Who Never Saw a Mob Movie in Their Lives

So, we learn that Michael Flynn is still in contact with Trump:

"Saddled with steep legal bills, Flynn wanted to reconnect with old friends and talk about potential future business opportunities. But one overriding question among those present were his views on the president who had fired him from his national security advisor post. 

Flynn left little doubt about the answer.  Not only did he remain loyal to President Trump; he indicated that he and the president were still in communication. “I just got a message from the president to stay strong,” Flynn said after the meal was over..."

The universal interpretation of this fact is that the President and Flynn are just such good buddies that Trump interrupted his endless obsession with himself to call Flynn and comfort him.

How can people be so willfully stupid?  Well, okay, we are talking about the mainstream press here, but as I said, didn't they ever see a movie about the Mafia?  It is crystal clear that what Trump is saying is "You'd better "stay strong" and stick to our agreed story, no matter what trouble you get into yourself, because otherwise, you are going to end up in a vacant lot with a dead canary in your mouth."  Or more briefly, "shut up or die."  Flynn must know perfectly well that Trump would run over him with a tank to pick up a nickel he sees in the street.  Well, now he's gotten the "horse head in my bed" message- an offer he can't refuse; i.e. an offer to stay alive.


Zog said…
"Flynn must know perfectly well that Trump would run over him with a tank to pick up a nickel he sees in the street."

I doubt it, for Trump couldn't figure out how to operate a tank.

(Which reminds me - the same media that condemned Dukakis for going in a tank and wearing a helmet rushed to praise Bush 43 for dressing up in a flight suit. That's your liberal media for you.)

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