The Vice Presidential Debate

I faded out after about 45 seconds.  Sorry.


Poll P. said…
I lasted 53 minutes, butt I was also cooking dinner, so I wasn't as bored as I might have been. Contrary to the pundits consensus, I thought Kaine's scrappiness was welcome. Hillary isn''t allowed to vent, so I'm glad Tim did it for her.
Don't Hit (the bottle) said…
"I'm downing the hard stuff too. I was just reduced to taking a swig of Lagavulin right out of the bottle." - GE, April 24, 2016.

"I faded out after about 45 seconds." - GE, October 4, 2016.

Little wonder. - DH, October 5, 2016.
Green Eagle said…
Probably right this time, Dikram, whatever you were trying to get at. At least this time I kept off the Lagavulin. I need to save that for Sunday's debate.

And Poll, just to be honest, I did hear a little of it, because my wife was watching it in the kitchen. What I heard was Mike Pence doing a great job of regurgitating the canned Republican responses he was taught to squawk like a parrot. Maybe great debating technique, but it sure doesn't make him an honorable man.
Poll P. said…
I'm annoyed, though not astonished, that the pundits are praising him and touting his credentials to be the new Republican saviour, while overlooking his complete lack of a 'moral compass.'
D. Hagopian said…
Dear Green Eagle,

Dikran ends with an "n," not an "m."
ez said…
One good thing came out of the Debate, The commercial that Hillary's people whipped up over night. The comparison/contrast of Pence protesting Kaine's truthful assertions with video of Trump saying what Kaine said he did was a delight to behold.

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