Donald Trump

Ha ha

Ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

That's it.  I'm through today.


Poll P. said…
Ha ha ha ha ha, ouch, slap.
isaac said…
This is the logical culmination of all the GOP has been and has stood for, going back to at least Reagan. They built this.
Magpie said…
So when we look back.... we can tell our grandchildren the final straw wasn't, actually
"why can't we use nuclear weapons?"

oh no, it was... something else he said
Marc said…
Can you hear him now?
Jerry Critter said…
Ha ha, and he is the one that got more republican votes than any other candidate! Yes, Trump supporters are truly deplorable.
Kevin Robbins said…
He was the best of the worst, Jerry.
Green Eagle said…
Or the worst of the worst- that sounds more like the one the Republicans would pick in a second. His only real competition was the second worst of the worst, Ted Cruz, who must be kicking himself all over the State of Texas today, for not keeping his mouth shut for another week or two.
Jerry Critter said…
Ted Cruz has fallen to the bottom of the barrel working the phone banks for Trump.

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