Sleeper Cell

The notion of the "sleeper cell," a group of subversives planted in a country with orders to live anonymously like normal citizens until called on to do their damage, really grew into a popular idea during the cold war, promoted by the same sort of people who now talk about Sharia law in the Unites States, and Al Qaida troops coming across the Mexican border, to sow fear and panic among the American people.  We've heard such utterly unsubstantiated talk a lot, the last few years, about Muslims in the United States and Europe.  But curiously enough, the most malignant sleeper cell in the country, which has done damage so immense to the American people that Al Qaida or ISIS could never dream of such accomplishments, continues on its course of destruction with essentially no opposition.  This sleeper cell consists of the five corrupt "Conservative" Justices, carefully implanted on the Supreme Court by a concerted Republican campaign going back to Nixon's elevation of William Rehnquist to the Court.

The appointment of George W. Bush to the Presidency in defiance of the real national vote was the first major blow to our country from the Conservative bloc of justices.  It succeeded in devastating our economy and our standing in the world through aggressive war and economic collapse, all the product of a patently fallacious and unjustified decision.

The second blow to the United States was the infamous Citizens United decision, again decided by the five Conservative Justices on the basis of clearly fallacious reasoning.  We were assured by these Justices (among other falsehoods) that their decision was fine because it could never lead to any sort of abuse of our democratic system by the rich.  Well, here is the result: it is now the intent of two people- of course the Koch Brothers- to spend nine hundred million dollars in the next campaign.  To understand what that means, look at this chart, cribbed from Mother Jones:
What you can see here is that, thanks to the Citizens United decision, we have the phenomenon that two rich brothers can now spend more on a Presidential campaign than both parties combined spent on any Presidential campaign in our nation's entire history before 2008.

I'm not going to go on to rail about the destructive effects of such a cancerous growth in the political power of the super-rich; we all can see that.  But I will say that, if this is not stopped, this single Supreme Court decision, made by five corrupt Justices, will destroy this country in short order. That's all it will have taken; no armies, no nuclear weapons, no suicide bombers, just five corrupt people put into the right place at the right time, by a party that has run off the tracks and now cares nothing for the fate of our nation.

Update:  This is just by way of comparison, but the total spending of all parties in the UK's parliamentary elections in 2010 was under $50 million, or less than six percent of what the Koch Brothers are planning to spend to buy the White House.


Poll P. said…
Don't forget the Voting Rights Act decision...
"Citizens Entitled" was a coup by Republican judges. Look forward now to act 3, after the voting rights crime, they now took up the fair housing act, they will gut it as well.
Weird Dave said…
The best government money can buy.

It's just gotten a little more expensive...

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