Wingnut Wrapup

Yes, again. They won't stop because they are too stupid and vicious, and Green Eagle won't stop because he's too stubborn. And because he's a parrot. Did you ever try to shut up a parrot? Fat chance. So, here we go: Daniel Doherty, Town Hall: "Obamacare is an "Inequality Godzilla" What the hell does that mean? I guess they have just run out of even their usual pathetic arguments against Obamacare, so now they are reduced to just stringing scary words together and hoping they can inspire panic in the lizard brains of their followers. Daniel Doherty, Town Hall: "McCain: Thanks for Censuring me, Now I Feel Even More Motivated to Run in 2016 " Oh, please! Please let the Republicans nominate this senile old fool to run against Hillary. That would be almost as much fun as if they go with Ted Cruz. Think McCain would pick Sarah Palin again? Ben Shapiro, Town Hall: "How Hollywood Is Killing Same-Sex Marriage" This is ...