Not Much to Say, Really

I sure haven't been posting much lately. What's more, I see the signs of similar lassitude at other blogs I read regularly. No one wants to pay attention to anything but the election, and let's face it- this is the most boring and trivial Presidential election in decades. What was billed by the Republican as the Great Clash of Ideas has turned out to be nothing of the sort, perhaps because Republicans really don't have any ideas, just an endless string of excuses for favoring the rich. Instead, our days are consumed with waiting for their useless candidate to make another one of his almost daily "gaffes," i.e. to once again reveal himself to be a smug, self-entitled boor without a shred of empathy or understanding of people who are not wealthy. So we wait, to find out if endless corporate money and open Republican election rigging can place this man in the White House, despite the fact that no rational person could want him within a thousand miles of Wa...