Oh God, Not This Again!

Yes, culture fans, Green Eagle's Art Corner is back!  Today, we want to bring to your attention, one David Bugnon, an artist who will certainly be looking to challenge Jon McNaughton as the grand master of Conservative painting (although it must be admitted, I have yet to find a chicken in his work- an important thing, I am sure you will agree.)

This challenge to McNaughton's supremacy comes in the form of the following masterful oil painting, featuring a heroic vision of the great knight of European culture, Andrew Breitbart in a magnificent suit of armor, which is listed for sale right now at the Conservative website Patriot Depot, for the low, low price of $3995.00:

Well, it was listed for sale.  That's until someone at Wonkette discovered this:

That image on the right there is a still from the video game Assassin's Creed.  Whoops, I guess the thing wasn't an oil painting at all, just a cheesy photoshop job, made from stolen images.  The offer to sell the "painting" is down now, I presume while the owners of the website try to figure out how much they can get for a piece of pathetic plagiarism.

Well, why should liberals be left out of this game?  We all want Andrew Breitbart to be remembered for the great political figure he was, so Green Eagle has given this a try too.  Here is Green Eagle's "oil painting,"  which, I am sure you can guess, he will be willing to part with for far less that $3995.00:

Green Eagle is sure that you will agree that, with this single masterpiece, he has established himself in the top rank of Conservative artists.  Bids will be accepted beginning on Monday, with a reserve of 5 cents.


Doktor Zoom said…
Thanks for passing this vital information on! As the MS-Paint-er of the side-by-side comparison (NO graphic design training--can you tell?), I'm glad to see it's getting play, but could you please add a link to my Wonkette article on the plagiarism? Thanks!
Anonymous said…
here's a gallery for you
Magpie said…
I’m not quite sure where Anon is going with that link...
but I sure like the chick the red “ruffled sheath dress from bloomingdales”
Grung_e_Gene said…
When I said that if Right-Wingers didn't have lying they'd have nothing I was wrong. Conservatives also have stealing...
Green Eagle said…
Doctor, Thanks for that information. I had heard that this story had been on Wonkette, but whatever source I had didn't make it clear that it had originated there. And a couple of hours later, I had a medical problem and ended up in the hospital, where I didn't have a computer, which I just got out of. Correcting this is the first thing I did online, as I try to be accurate with attribution.
St. Joan said…
Be well, G.E. Don't let the creeps get to you!
Tommykey said…
When I first saw that armored Breitbart pic, I thought "Wow, I didn't know Andrew Breitbart played an elf in The Lord of the Rings!"
Anonymous said…
Andrew Breiubart was the only one who stuck up for a black conservative when the racist democrat party went after him for going off the plantation by making up some far out BS story.
Magpie said…
Green Eagle,

Take care mate.


Spare us the pathetic “we can’t be racists because we once met a black person we liked” line. If you were genuine you wouldn’t have to go through the pantomime of trying hard. “Off the plantation” is code for “just because you’re black we’d never give you a damned thing” which itself implies a condescension.
Anonymous said…
'“we can’t be racists because we once met a black person we liked” line.'

You mean give me a break with that tired old line. Like we go around saying or thinking that. But as usual it's always great to have a smart liberal put things in perspective or the rest of us clueless racists.
So according to your wisdom you can still be racist if you are a white person married to a black person.
And what fantastic qualities do you have that proves you aren't a racist?
look at this bunch of rscists

Live it! Learn it!
Magpie said…
No... you go round defending propagandists like Breitbart with nothing but an accusation that the Democratic party is racist, and you use a stock Republican catch phrase which carries an implicit racial condescension in it.

If you're not a racist... then don't write like one.

Talk instead about how Breitbart can be worthy of such artistic deification as some kind of angelic warrior.

No-one here started calling anyone racist before you did. You brought it, you wear it.
Green Eagle said…
Andrew Breitbart was a filthy right wing liar who made it his life's work to spread the most vicious smears about Democrats he could think of, and through his proteges Doug Giles et. al. raised the deliberate forging of lies to a new height in American politics. He lived a life utterly without honor, and our country is far better off with him gone. I, for one, am not interested in forgetting that fact.

As for the black conservative he supposedly "defended," I don't know what you are talking about, but I can tell you that there is no more decency in defending such a person than there would have been in defending Vidkun Quisling as a great Norwegian.

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