That's It

I'm out of here.  What's the point?


Magpie said…
Fer fuck's sake don't leave the rest of us here with the bastards.
Green Eagle said…
Okay, okay, you talked me into it. But just be warned, Magpie, I'm going to be twice as mean as ever, and it's all your fault.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Yeah, you can't leave us!

Just because Americans have accepted that Wage Slavery and Corporate Bondage are to be the plight for 99% of us doesn't mean you can bug out!
Anonymous said…
hahahaha- Egg on your face?
Green Eagle said…
Anonymous, do you really regard it as a major achievement to see the country take one more giant step toward fascist dictatorship?

I don't really think seeing corrupt corporations buy elections is all that funny.
Green Eagle said…
By the way, I think it's already time to repeat a Kershaw quote from my last post:

"There was no "class equalibrium" in 1932. The working class was cowed and broken by Depression, its organizations enfeebled and powerless. But the ruling groups did not have the mass support to maximize their ascendency and destroy once and for all the power of organized labor. Hitler was brought in to do the job for them."
Anonymous said…
Obama ins an election with billions of dollars-good hing
Walker uses money to defend against a senseless recall-bad thing

what's wrong the corporations out spent the corrupt bloated public employee unions who only care about what's in it for them with no regard of where the money is coming from?
Green Eagle said…
Teachers and firemen- corrupt and bloated

Corporations- our noble saviors

What an idiot.
Magpie said…
He could be in a burning building with substandard safety measures because a union that could have done something was crushed... and a fireman might save his life... but he'd still think the same thing, GE.

The ideology behind his comments is something people who believe it buy into wholesale. There is no test of logic going on. There are no bits they accept and bits they question. They eat the whole shit burger and don't even know they're choking.
Green Eagle said…
Absolutely true, Magpie. The Republicans have bred a whole class of people in this country who are so blinded by greed and self-entitlement that they can't see that they are tearing themselves to shreds in order to turn the country over to the rich.

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