That's All It Took
Senior western officials yesterday heralded a new spring in relations with Iran, after the Islamic regime made an historic offer to help US-led efforts in Afghanistan.
For the first time since Barack Obama came to office, US and Iranian officials met at an international conference in The Hague, with diplomats saying a possible turning point may have been reached between the US and the country it labelled part of the axis of evil seven years ago....
Mark Malloch Brown, Britain's foreign office minister for Africa, Asia and the United Nations, said Iranian offers of help could mark a new "spring in the relationship" between the west and Iran.
He was responding to Akhundzadeh's public pledge at the conference of Iranian co-operation in counter-narcotics and development efforts in Afghanistan."
Well, Mr. Dick Cheney, there goes that Obama, making us less safe again.
You stupid, worthless, criminal murderer. Everything YOU did made us less safe, and turned the world into a more horrible place; and you have the nerve to criticize this man who, in two months, has done so much to defuse the bomb that you planted in our midst.
I really think the likes of Himmler and Goebbels were no worse in their hearts than you are. I don't care who tars me for comparing you to these people- I believe you are just as evil.
Thank God for Barack Obama, who can begin to undo the carnage you have created.