
Paul Krugman says that Obama's economic plan fills him with despair.

Now, I am second to none in my admiration of Krugman. I have often gotten up in the morning, afraid of reading the five most depressing words you can ever see in the New York Times: " Paul Krugman is on vacation."

Nevertheless, I think someone needs to point out that Krugman is something of a chicken little. I remember, for example, several years ago, Krugman predicting that the U.S. economy would collapse if oil reached $60 a barrel. I mean, just look at him the next time you see him on TV. The guy has a perpetual expression on his face like he is afraid the ceiling is going to fall on him any second now.

The guy can be almost always right about the essentials of the issues (which he is), and yet be overly alarmist (which, I believe, he also is.)

Just sayin'.


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