The Republicans In Action!

There has already been a lot of derision directed toward the new Republican "budget proposal" revealed today, because it has no numbers in it. This is ludicrous enough, but there is so much more comedy gold to be mined in here.

Let's look at some of their major proposals (all of the information below consists of direct quotes from the document):

On the tax issue:

Republicans propose a simple and fair tax code with a

marginal tax rate for income up to $100,000 of 10

percent and 25 percent for any income thereafter….

Our plan would lower the capital gains tax and

loosen restrictions on various savings vehicles….

My God. Lowering the tax rate on the top income brackets and on capital gains! Who would have ever thought that the Republican party would propose that!

Is there any problem on earth, no matter how serious, that won't prompt the Republican party to use it as an excuse to give more money to the rich?

Now, here's their energy proposal:

Republicans recognize the importance of exploring for

American oil and gas…..and support immediately leasing oil and gas

resources in the OCS (that's offshore drilling)….. The Secretary of Interior should

be required to offer new leases in the OCS…..

Republicans also support opening the Arctic Coastal

Plain to energy exploration and development….

The answer to to our energy problems? More drilling!

But, of course, the Republican Party wouldn't ignore alternative sources of energy:

Americans realize that the future of energy is in alternative and

renewable sources. In order to promote the development of

renewable and alternative energy, Republicans support

promoting the leasing of federal lands which contain alternative

energy such as oil shale…...Republicans also support

enabling federal agencies to take the lead in spurring a market by

using fuels derived from oil shale, tar sands, and coal.

Oil shale, tar sands and coal- that's alternative energy to Republicans.

Now, on to the way Republicans plan on treating the financial firms so central to this mess:

For insolvent firms, either the FDIC or a Resolution Trust

Corporation-type entity would restructure these firms in

receivership by selling off their assets and liabilities,

reappointing private management, while protecting


"Selling off" their liabilities, and then "reappointing private management." In other words, forcing the taxpayers to pay their debts and then sending their management on their way to continue their predation.

Our plan phases out the (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s) government charter and privatizes them…..

These firms can and should compete in the

financial service marketplace, without implicit or explicit taxpayer


Privatization- a novel idea.

So, cutting taxes on the rich, cutting capital gains taxes, allowing more profit for oil and coal companies, public paying off of corporate debt without consequences to the management that ran up this debt, further privatization of taxpayers' wealth- that's their response.

Is there any point when the Republican party faces up to the damage that their insane, greed maddened policies have done to the country? Is there any point at which the Republican party stops trying to disguise their theft of our national wealth as some sort of rational response to our needs?

And, God, have enough Americans finally figured out that Republicans are nothing but criminals, with no intent except to enrich themselves at our expense?

As the answer to the first two questions is obviously no, I hope to hell that the answer to the last one is yes.


What a great blog, everything well put as well as deliciously entertaining. When are you going to get your own radio talk show. Ann

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