Ari Fleischer- Master of Modern History

Ari Fleischer, on Hardball yesterday:

FLEISCHER (recorded): Chris, and I believe this still today, and of course you and disagree with it, but after September 11th, having been hit once, how could we take a chance Saddam might not strike again?

Oh No! Saddam might strike again! Just like when he did back there in, oh I can't quite remember, was it 1941, or was it 1861, or just when was it? Now I am really afraid.

God, don't these lying losers ever give up?

UPDATE: Oh, of course, he now claims that's not what he really meant. Ari, it's what you said. The syntax of your sentence was not really that complicated. You were a professional Presidential spokesman, whose job it was to never say what you didn't mean. Grow up, please.

Now, Frank Gaffney is on Hardball spreading the same crap. He's really arguing that the Bush administration had reasons to believe this lie. God, save us from this.


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