Stupidity is not only a Right Wing Thing

What is this? Well, according to a PETA website, it is a "Sea Kitten."
When I first looked at the site, I assumed that it was some kind of joke, but no, looking around, I realized that these guys were serious. They have decided to branch out from furry and feathery animals, to try to make people ashamed of eating fish. And they apparently intend to do this by changing the name of fish to sea kittens.
Sea Kittens. Just let that sink in for a moment.
Now, there are a couple of points to be made here. First of all, this provides further evidence for my theory that members PETA have no real interest in the welfare of animals, but are actually psychologically damaged people who crave public humiliation. Second, the next time you laugh at Michelle Malkin or Glenn Beck, take a second to remember that stupidity can be an equal-opportunity affliction.
By the way, what's so bad about eating kittens?
-Just kidding. I think.