Republican Health Care

Well, believe it or not, here is the Republican health care proposal, from their Budget Report- oops, I meant cheap, lying piece of propaganda- issued yesterday.
Americans concerned about their health care would be well advised to examine this detailed document with care, even though it may take a good deal of study.
To doubters out there, I would like to point out that it is none of your business how the Republicans propose to "reform" medicare, or how they intend to provide "universal access" to health care. Just trust them. Haven't they earned it?
I think we can make an educated guess, however, on how they intend to limit federal spending, as we have seen their approach the last eight years. The less the government provides, the less it costs; or rather, the more that will be left over for the insurance companies. But, they never promised you a rose garden, right? Right? I guess I made my point there.
And as for that "Republican Road to Recovery", though it is not fully spelled out here, I think we can be pretty confident that it is the road to the rich recovering the last shreds of THEIR wealth that have somehow mistakenly slipped into YOUR pocket.
Aren't they even trying to make their lies believable any more? Or are they so depressed with the prospect of their inevitable decline into permanent irrelevance, that they can't muster up the energy to deceive us with conviction?
Well, in any event, here's a piece of well intentioned advice, guys: There are kindergarten kids that know more about Adobe Illustrator than you do. If you can't be bothered to spread good propaganda any more, could you at least make it look a little better?
You nailed it.
You have a way of getting to the heart of the addition to having a very strong stomach.
I spend $10,000 on health insuraznce premiums per year and My Blue Shield policy is 4 times as long as the entire Republican plan
You think they could try a little harder?