The Response

With the market up 500 points today, it amused me to think about what the Republican response would be if Obama really did succeed in ending the slide at this point and turning the economy around.

Well, here's my answer: See, McCain was right all along- the economy WAS fundamentally sound, and Obama used lies and fear mongering to get into the White House. This makes him an illegitimate President, and we owe him nothing in the way of support. Now, it's time to get back to the Government actions that gave us this great economy- tax cuts for the rich and more deregulation. Oh, and also maybe another trillion dollar war. The proof of all of this is that the markets went down for Obama's first month and a half in office, so it's obvious that nothing he did helped. In fact, he promoted godless socialism that just postponed our economic recovery.

Whenever it turns around, that's what they are going to say. Have any doubts about that?


Anonymous said…
Did you see that after all this screaming and yelling and complaining by both parties and CNBC and rush and all Barack's approval rating is 65%?
up three points from the last poll?
no one in the press can figure it out. I'd love to see the look on Joe Scarborough's face when he saw this poll!!!
Anonymous said…

I have seen the polls.
Here's what's worrying me. The wingnuts are still in the denial phase- what happens when they move on to anger?

I mean, it'll be pathetic, but it'll be real mean pathetic.

Thanks for the comment-

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