Trump Re-Emerges

 After hiding away like a sick raccoon for several days, Donald Trump held a rally yesterday to celebrate his return to the campaign trail.  You would expect that the vaunted Trump campaign apparatus would have pulled out all the stops to make sure that this was a triumphant event, with a totally energized Trump speaking for his usual hour or two about any mean-spirited thing that popped into his head, in front of a crowd of tens of thousands.  That is what any rational person would have done, but he doesn't seem to have pulled it off. 

The event, sponsored by a sickening astroturf group named Blexit, which purports to represent a vast number of black Americans who are abandoning the Democrats to support Trump, was held on the grounds of the White House, which one would think would be an inducement for many people to attend, as it is the only chance that most of them would ever have to be there.  And as an additional inducement, several news sources are reporting that a large number of the attendees were given travel and hotel expenses to get them to attend, in some sort of sick parody of the false accusations wingnuts always make about George Soros paying people to attend left wing demonstrations.

Well, even with all this, the organizers of this event only predicted a turnout of 2,000.  Here is what they got:

I put the number of attendees at about 400, which generally agrees with estimates from others I have seen (except the Trump campaign, of course, that probably is claiming that two million attended.)

And what were these hardy loyalists treated to?  Trump delivered a fairly listless 17 minute address, and then disappeared back into the White House.  Now admittedly, that is about four times as long as it took Abraham Lincoln to deliver the Gettysburg Address, but compared to Trump's normal Castro-like hour or two of lying bombast, that is an incredibly weak effort.

And let us note that, as far as I have seen, the mainstream press is carefully refraining from pointing out the truth about this pathetic spectacle.

Well, a short, tired address in front of an almost nonexistent audience for a President.  That was his return to the campaign trail.  Let's see where he goes from here.


Infidel753 said…
Either Trump is a lot sicker than he's letting on, or he got discouraged by the small turnout. Definitely not like him to turn in such a feeble performance with barely three weeks of voting left.
Green Eagle said…
Well, I agree, or a combination of both. For such a he-man, Trump is very prone to emotional collapse- we heard that he almost refused to go on stage in Tulsa when hardly anyone showed up. So, if you add together the fact that he is obviously not feeling very well with the pathetic turnout to that speech, you get 17 minutes of listless nothing. Well, tomorrow is another day, as the lady once said, and it will be interesting to see if he has any events the next couple of days, and if he does, how they compare to his years of previous Hitler imitations.

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