Orange Jerk Claims He's Sick

 So the fat bully claims he has Covid now.  Of course, anyone who remembers the 20,000 lies he has told since becoming President, or the way he lies reflexively, whether it helps him or not, wouldn't believe a word he says without absolute proof; and nobody with any sense, would believe the word of his doctors either, as they have constantly told lies about his supposedly superb physical condition.  So we'll wait and see, but I can imagine several possibilities here.

First, of course, is the chance that he actually is sick.  This would hardly be surprising, since he has constantly flaunted the advice of infectious disease experts, and exposed himself over and over again to getting the virus.  Still, as I said above, I will not believe this in any way unless it is vouched for by someone I trust, which is not anyone previously involved with him.

A second possibility is that, no matter what he says in public, somehow this delusional orange mango realizes that he made a total ass of himself at the debate a few days ago, and this is his strategy for chickening out of future debates, which is now pretty well assured.

Here's a third possible explanation for all of this, which is in my mind the most disturbing of all:  Trump has figured out that his chance of winning re-election has just about vanished in the dust raised up by his jackass behavior.  A good act of being sick would allow him to drop out of the Presidential race this year.  He would then spend the next four years constantly appearing on right wing media, creating his usual malicious diversions, and doing everything he can do to destroy Biden's Presidency, after which he will run again in 2024, probably with his love interest Ivanka as his vice Presidential candidate, and with a well planned out scheme to turn that election into a circus the likes of which we have never seen.  Four more years of having to constantly put up with Trump's malicious interference, followed by an even worse electoral season than this time around; that's a frightening proposition, huh?

And here is a fourth possibility:  This "illness" was propagated not by Trump himself, but by the Republican party and Mitch McConnell, who see Trump leading them to defeat not only in the Presidential race, but in the Senate too.  So, they have made him an offer he can't refuse: take this chance to claim that it was illness that forced his hand, or be humiliated in front of the whole country by his own party, desperate as they are to not have him lead them to colossal failure.  And they know that his malignant ego couldn't take that.  They can then go on with their emergency replacement- Mike Pence, or, God knows, Ted Cruz or Newt Gingrich, or some guy off the street, who they might be able to ride to victory on a wave of public sympathy.  

Well, these are what I think might be going on.  Any other guesses?


Poll P. said…
You must have stayed up all night running the scenarios! What fun!
Anonymous said…
Ivanka gave him russian tea after learning her inheritance is a $4OOm debt. Owed to the Russians.
Dave Dubya said…
Trump has Covid? But...But... How could that possibly have happened? He knew better than Dr. Fauci and those dumb scientists.

How long before Hannity and Giuliani blame Democrats and Antifa for Trump contracting covid?

A show of hands, please. How many of you Republicans approve of Trump's handling of the covid crisis?

Seriously, this time Trump and I have the same enemy. We all do. Will his cult figure this out?

Or will they continue to drag us all down with them
Green Eagle said…
Actually, Poll, it took me about five minutes to come up with these four scenarios. I guess I just share the Republicans' cynical, conspiratorial view of everything.

And anonymous, if someone slipped Trump a cup of "Russian tea," I have another resident of the White House in mind as my chief suspect, being from Eastern Europe herself.

Dave Dubya, maybe this time, Covid is your friend. So you don't have to lose sleep worrying about any similarity between yourself and Trump.

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