The Vices Duke It Out- Updated

 So, I hope some people watched the Vice Presidential debate.  I've heard from the usual pundits, and as usual, I think they missed a lot of what was going on, so I will shoot my mouth off with my own opinion.

First, Kamala.  This was not the fiery prosecutor Kamala Harris who we have seen a number of times in Senate hearings now.  There were a number of times when I know (and I know she knows) that she could have ripped Pence a new one, but she held back.  Why was this?  I believe it is because the entire Biden-Harris team knows that they are running well ahead of Trump, and the worst thing she could have done during the debate would have been to give the Trump team anything they could twist into a subject for videos they could use to attack her.  People know that nothing the Vice Presidential candidate says is going to persuade a significant number of people to vote for Biden, but she could have done the opposite if she really got into trouble.  This is a case where not giving the enemy ammunition was the ultimate goal, and she somewhat restrained her normal temperament to achieve that goal.

Now, for Pence.  Well, of course he couldn't resist being a male dick, lying his ass off, interrupting Kamala and the female moderator, and insisting on talking longer than his time, but he did it so politely.  And here is why:  Pence had one real task in this debate, and that was, after what happened last week, to convince people that the current administration is sane.  That is a big task, all things considered, and I have to give Pence credit for largely achieving it.  Of course, Pence's effort is like reading a statement, while the guy next to you is screaming his head off, so it is likely too late for a Vice Presidential debate to really change things, but still, whether it works or not, he showed the restraint and strategic thinking necessary to carry out his task.

I mean, the guy is still an evil schmuck, but compared to Trump, he was Mother Theresa.

Update:  So here it is a day later, and it seems like nobody is getting any attention but the fly.  Poor Mike (just kidding)- all that effort to restrain himself and act half sane, and any chance that it had of improving Trump's chances was destroyed by an insect.  If I were a religious lunatic like Mike, I would be tempted to see the hand of God in this, but I'm not, so all I see is a narrative of administration competence so paper thin that it can't stand up to a visit from the invertebrate community.


St. Joan said…
I enjoyed it. She reinforced the tone Biden has chosen, of maturity, restraint, and kindness. Pence got what he deserved. That fly is famous.

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