A Horrid Possibility

So what do we expect for Trump without Bannon?  I am positive that we are going to be bombarded over the next week or so with mainstream pundits' claims that Bannon has been radicalizing Trump all along, and now that he is gone we need to shut up and wait for Trump to pivot to being a reasonable President.  I am wondering today, however, if the exact opposite may be the case.

Bannon is a real ideologue and cares a hundred times more about advancing his white supremacist, fascist agenda than Trump could ever care about anything but himself.  I wonder if Bannon has not been working constantly to keep Trump focused on Bannon's ideological goals, and has prevented him from spinning off into total lunacy on an almost daily basis.  Now that Bannon is gone, we will get another chance to just Let Trump Be Trump.  And that could be a spectacle far more horrible than anything we have seen so far.


M. Bouffant said…
You ain't seen nothin' yet!
Grung_e_Gene said…
Bannon will be freed of accountability. And, once again, resume his WH propaganda efforts at Shitebart.
Jerry Critter said…
The popcorn is popped and the beer is cold. I am ready.

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