Wingnut Wrapup

More of the finest in self-serving lunacy, from our counterparts on the stupid side of the aisle: Conn Carroll, Town Hall: "Obama Celebrates Abortion on Anniversary of Roe v Wade" Because of course he did. He danced in the streets. Right after he celebrated Communism and Sharia law too, and had a picture of Satan tattooed on his chest. Matt Vespa, Town Hall: "Bush To Romney: Hey, Let's Talk About How We Can Avoid A 2016 Bloodbath" Stay home. That's about all I can think of. Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "WOW! Kid Rock Blasts Michael Moore and Seth Rogen" Wow! Kid Rock! Kid Rock blasts Seth Rogen! I guess liberalism has finally died! Linda Kimball, Renew America: "Evolution: anti-creation religion of secular atheism & the Green Dragon" The Green Dragon? You mean the inn in Martin Chuzzlewit? I didn't even know that was a real place. And you think she calmed down after that? "The goal of ...