An Interesting Fact About the Most Recent Corrupt Supreme Court Decision

Which extended the ability of the rich to buy our government.  In the last election, there were 1200 people who maxed out their campaign contributions under the then-current law.  These 1200 are the only people who will benefit from the new rules.

For years, I have been saying that the end game of the Republican party's destruction of our democracy is a situation in which the entire country will be run for the benefit of about 2,000 families.  I guess that I can now reduce that number to 1200.


Jerry Critter said…
I've seen even lower numbers.
My their Lear's, Gulfstreams, Falcon's, Beechjet's and Citations fall on Cuba on the way to Grand Cayman.
Grung_e_Gene said…
The Plutocrats are setting themselves up as Landgraves, sections of the Nation controlled as their fiefdoms. The Republican Party are acting as Guard Dogs defending their overlords.
ez said…
First Corporations were people.

Now money equals speech.

In the analogy from the Supremes money now becomes the volume control. The more money, the higher the volume. At some point the volume is so loud only the rich can be heard.
Curt said…
That money of the 1200 is going not only to campaign contributions. It's being spent in abundance on eviscerating sources of money for the left too. There is no legal limit on what they can spend on that either.
Green Eagle said…
Well, Curt, what fun is taking everything for yourself, if you can't hurt everyone else in the process?

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