What the Hell Is Wrong With This Country?

Or at least the Republican part of it.   Can you even think of anything sicker than this?

"A proposed new law in Arizona would give employers the power to request that women being prescribed birth control pills provide proof that they're using it for non-sexual reasons. And because Arizona's an at-will employment state, that means that bosses critical of their female employees' sex lives could fire them as a result.

Yesterday, a Senate Judiciary Committee endorsed Republican Debbie Lesko's HB2625 by a vote of 6-2 ...Lesko states, with a straight face, that this bill is necessary because "we live in America; we don't live in the Soviet Union."

Where someone might be able to get birth control pills without being fired.  The Republican party has deliberately created a very ugly monster in this country, and I am afraid to even think what we are going to have to do to be rid of it.


Grung_e_Gene said…
Government isn't the Problem. Republicans in Government are the Problem.
BB-Idaho said…
The right is getting weirder and weirder. Utlimately they must disappear like a quark in a supercollider...
Anonymous said…
If that same employer finds that one of the male workers is carrying a condom in his wallet...
Green Eagle said…
"they must disappear like a quark in a supercollider..."

Unfortunately, there is an equal chance that they will reach critical mass and go supernova on us.
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