About As Far Out Of Character

as I can get, but I loved this.  It's a Jesus metal band full of geezers:

I found it when I was (needless to say) looking for something else.  I don't know why I'm posting it, but I got a kick out of them.


Poll P. said…
Very cute! And they got to go to Stonehenge!
Dave Dubya said…
OMG! They're vampires! They cast no shadows at Stonehenge.

At least I share a taste for Black Beauty Les Pauls with them.
Green Eagle said…
Yeah, taking a look at it I think it may be an old one too. Do you know how the black color first got offered? In the early days, Les Paul thought they would look good on guys playing in a tuxedo. Somehow, I don't think that many Les Paul players these days wear tuxedos.
Dave Dubya said…
I don't have a tux, but I do have black t-shirts. Personally I more often like the brighter cutting sound on my Goldtop, but the Mahogany Monster has beautiful jazz tones. It still rips with the right overdrive, like my Boss OD-3.
Green Eagle said…
I'm left handed, so I haven't always had the greatest choice of guitars. I have a '74 Twentieth Anniversary LP custom- cherry sunburst- that I bought new at Don Wehr's Music City in San Francisco, but when I want a Gibson tone, I mainly play my '69 ES335, if possible through my wife's '65 blackface vibrolux.

I was just looking at the narrow neck on this guy's LP, and figuring it for a mid-sixties model.

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