Happy Dems are Wrong
I have seen, on a number of liberal websites in the last few days, polls showing a lot of voter unhappiness with the corrupt governors they elected in Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, Florida and other States. Everyone seems to be very excited about these poll results. Well, sorry to bum you out, guys, but these polls mean exactly nothing. There is only one day that voter opinions make a bit of difference, and that is election day. Republicans spend vast amounts of money during the campaigns to sucker the American people into believing, for a few days or weeks, that it's a good idea to let Republicans run the country. Once the election is over, the Republicans do not give one God damn about the opinions of the American people; they're too busy serving the ones who paid to put them in office. Don't you worry, in 2012, after the expenditure of a few billion corporate dollars, Americans will suddenly remember how much they like the party that spent the last two ye...