I'm Speechless on This One
From one of the most hilarious websites I've ever seen, Count Us Out: "Georgia resident Carl Swensson, whose work is detailed on his RiseUpForAmerica.com website, told WND he got tired of the issues over Obama’s eligibility, as well as his performance in office. “I took it upon myself to find as many patriots as I could across the state, for the purpose of seating 25 for a grand jury,” he said. Over the weekend the jurors took sworn testimony from several sources, including Taitz, and then generated an indictment that later was forwarded to the U.S. attorney, the state attorney general and others in law enforcement across the state. “If the government does not amend the error within 40 days after being shown the error, then the four members shall refer the matter to the remainder of the grand jury,” it says. “The grand jury may distrain and oppress the government in every way in their power, namely, by taking the homes, lands, possessions, and any way else they can until am...