Wingnut Wrapup

Yeah, an occasional exception to my having abandoned Wingnut Wrapup, just to remind people of how these losers are all still out there, making a living out of lying to the rubes and then charging them money for the pleasure.

Jonah Goldberg, Town Hall:  "Only One of Two New Health Care Proposals Qualifies as 'Extreme'

And guess what, people?  It isn't the plan that cuts tens of millions of people off from health care in order to fund a multi trillion dollar giveaway to a few rich sociopaths, it's the one that gives health care to everyone, just like every other modern industrial nation on earth. Bet that surprised you.

"And yet, to listen to Democrats and many of the journalists who love them, you'd think it was the Republican proposal that's extreme. "In reality, Graham-Cassidy is the opposite of moderate," New York Times columnist Paul Krugman pronounced. "It contains, in exaggerated and almost caricature form, all the elements that made previous Republican proposals so cruel and destructive."

Why, how could you ever believe that?  Jonah versus Paul Krugman.  Who to trust?

"Graham-Cassidy is very close to the kind of legislation we would have ended up with if Republicans had an idea of what they wanted from the get-go and the Democrats were interested in compromise..."

Compromise; or in English, selling the American people down the river to bribe rich guys to keep funding Republican re-election campaigns.

Lauretta Brown, Town Hall:  "Nikki Haley: International Community Now Refers to Kim Jong Un as 'Rocket Man'...“Every other international community is now referring to him as ‘Rocket man,’” she added."

Nilli's evidence being an unnamed alleged African leader who called Kim "rocket man."  That's it. By the way, can I say that I don't really get this whole thing.  I think "rocket man" is kind of a cool nickname.  I mean, it isn't like they are calling him "sucking Vladimir Putin's dick man" or anything.

Bethany Bowra, Red State:  "VIDEO: Students Justify Violence from Antifa"

Violence against Nazis...nah, there couldn't be any precedent for that

Listen, when someone identifies themselves in public as a Nazi, as far as I am concerned, they have made themselves a clear and present danger which justifies almost any reaction in return.  Got a problem with that?

Andrea Ruth, Red State:  "Not The Onion: Story Claims The Electoral College Is A National Security Threat"

Andrea apparently does not think it is a security threat to put a losing candidate in the White House whose mental incapacity is threatening the world with a mindless nuclear war.

Susan Wright, Red State:  Paul Manafort’s Troubles Didn’t Start When He Became Trump’s Campaign Manager"

What "troubles?"  Oh, you mean he was a Russian operative even before he went to work for Trump? Boy, that makes things a lot better for Trump doesn't it- Trump hired him when he was already a Russian tool.

Stridentconservative, Red State:  "College Snowflakes OK With Using Violence To Silence “Hate Speech”"

OK with violence...I guess they aren't such snowflakes after all.  And by the way, you've got one of the more stupid web names I have ever seen, buddy.  Just sayin'

Tom Knighton, PJ Media:  "Activist in Seminar: All White People Are Racist and Always Will Be"

This would be one Ashley Shackleford, whom none of us has ever heard of, addressing an absolutely unnamed "seminar" which allegedly took place somewhere, and illustrated with an unattributed picture of a fat black lady with a couple of handwritten signs.

No photo of anyone else supposedly in attendance, and as I mentioned, no identification of where this lone person was supposedly speaking.  How does that compare to the President of the United States openly siding with Nazis?

And a little response to Trump's shocking, disgusting speech at the UN this week:

Claudia Rosett, PJ Media:  "Trump Hits Home Run for America in UN Speech"

Hell, let's just be clear about this.  The kind of person who claims that mindless threats about unleashing nuclear war amounted to a "home run" is the same kind of person that mindlessly cheered Hitler on in Nazi Germany.  That is not an exaggeration; it is literally true.  Anyone who attempts to normalize this bestiality is a subhuman themselves.

And a little more?

James Arlandson, American Thinker:  "Conservative Christians who know their Bible found a lot to like in Trump's U.N. speech Tuesday."

What, nuclear war?  A lot to like there, I guess.

Nathan Lichtman, PJ Media:  "Keith Ellison Compares DACA Immigrants to Jewish Victims of the Holocaust...He's diving back into anti-Semitism..."

And there's today's award winner for the most nauseating right wing misuse of the notion of anti-Semitism to try to shout down anyone who might like to talk about a clear injustice.  See- helping immigrants is an attack on Jews.  Somehow.

John Ellis, PJ Media:  "The Satanic Temple Wants More Babies to Die; Sues State of Missouri Over Abortion Law"

Satanists want people to die.  That's news?  I mean they are Satanists, John.  By the way, no comment in this article about the 25,000,000 people in North Korea that our President wants to kill with nuclear weapons.  That's okay, because, although they are 99% totally innocent victims, they are not unborn, and are therefore fair game to be exterminated.

Christina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "Melania Gives Speech at UN About Protecting Children – Liberals Trash 11-Year-Old Barron...Nothing is too low for liberals."

Not one word in the actual article about liberals or Barron Trump.  Surprised?  I didn't think so.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "6.1 Earthquake Off New Zealand Follows 7.1 Quake near Mexico City — 119 Dead"

I'm including this because we are already seeing right wing loons jabbering about how God is Angry! Just for your information, I did a little bit of math, and it turns out that for the latest ten year period for which I could find data, earthquakes of 6 and above worldwide averaged 165 a year, or almost one every two days.

Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "Sebastian Gorka Warns of Imminent Shake-Up to Senior White House Staff"

This week's shakeup, I guess.  This White House has had more shakes than a James Bond martini.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "TGP’s Jim Hoft to Speak at Eagle Council on Fake News"

And who would know more about that subject than Jim Hoft?  Way to speak of yourself in the third person, Jim...who do you think you are, the Queen?

Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "O’Reilly Speaks Out in First T.V Interview Since Firing: It Was a Hit Job “Manufactured by Media Matters”

If so, Cristina, it's the best thing Media Matters ever did.

Bryan Fischer, Renew America:  "Does the Constitution mean what the Supreme Court says it means?"

The short answer?  No.  It means what Bryan Fischer says it means. Because, Jesus.  Bryan knows what Jesus means too, even when, to the uninformed reader like you and me, Jesus seems to be saying the exact opposite. You don't need to read the rest of this thousand word piece of crap.  You knew that was going to be Bryan's answer the minute you read the title of the article.

And how about a little more from Bryan, professional god man and spokesman for the American Family Association?

Bryan Fischer, Renew America:  "What do we do with the DREAMERS?"

What do you think Jesus would do, at least according to deeply Christian Bryan?

"It is true that they are here through no fault of their own. But neither is their presence here the fault of American citizens who are forced to pay for their education, their food stamps, their subsidized housing, their tax credits from the IRS, and watch as they take jobs which would otherwise go to underemployed Americans. If we are to bring compassion into the mix, how about a little for the Americans who are forced, through no fault of their own, to subsidize and reward the presence of almost a million individuals whose presence here is an affront to the rule of law? How about some compassion for them, hmmm?"...If they do come to the attention of immigration authorities, then we can offer to keep their families together by returning the entire intact family to their native land."

So much for "I was a stranger and you invited me in."

Alicia Powe, Renew America:  "Alabama Senate race 'a flashpoint' in fight for soul of GOP"

A fight over nothing, then, since if there is a sure sign that someone has no soul, it is that he belongs to the GOP.

Cathy Burke, Newsmax:  "New Film Lays Out 'Negligent Actions' of Ted Kennedy in Kopechne Death"

In 1969. One death. Half a century ago.  Much better to be obsessed about that than the fact that our current Republican President is trying to deliberately kill millions in a nuclear war.

Alicia Powe, World Net Daily:  "Mike Huckabee: What happened to Manafort could happen to you"

If you happen to be a Russian spy working in the White House.  Mike continues:

"'I'm sorry, that scares the bejeebies out of me'

Well, maybe you have a reason to be scared, Mike.  You act like you might be a Russian agent too. So, catching Russian spies scares you, if they are on your side.  As long as it works for you, treason is just fine, I guess.

Joseph Farah, World Net Daily:  "Bill Clinton as Ahab, Hillary as Jezebel"

Given this guy's penchant for being an asshole, I'm surprised he didn't write  "Bill Clinton as Ahab, Hillary as The Whale"


Boy, that's news.

World Net Daily:  "Prepare to be SHOCKED by the Bible"

The guys at World Net Daily have attached a couple of wires to it and stuck them into a light socket? Oh wait, you will only get to be shocked if you cough up $18.99 for a book from World Net Daily. My suggestion?  If it's a shock you are after, just stick your tongue in the socket.  Then you can get the shock without being bored into a stupor by World Net Daily's book.

And you know that every single right wing lie factory is going to be pumping out stories like this today:

Daniel John Sobieski, American Thinker:  "Trump Vindicated on Wiretaps...Obama's DOJ and James Comey were both liars in denying the wiretapping for which Trump was widely mocked."

Well, except that Trump claimed Obama was doing the wiretapping, not the FBI, and that Obama was wiretapping Trump, not his criminal campaign manager.  So, other than the fact that everything Daniel says is a lie, this is a great piece of journalism, I guess.  Right wing journalism, anyway.

H. Sterling Burnett, American Thinker:  "Hooray for Carbon Dioxide! It's Helping to Feed the World's Hungry"

Today's winner in the category of Deliberately Not Getting It.

I can't take it.  How about a little musical interlude from another Burnett, this one named after an American President- talk about patriotism:

There.  And a free classic guitar part by Hubert Sumlin as an extra.  Well, back to the idiocy:

Elise Cooper, American Thinker:  "Citizen Newt Is Needed Today"

Oh God, for what?  Are we running short on garbage to use as landfill?

Clarice Feldman, American Thinker:  "Hillary, America's Miss Havisham"

A pearl of wisdom, I guess, from the one Dickens novel every American student was forced to read. Here's a much more appropriate statement, from Green Eagle, someone who has actually read more than one Dickens novel in his life, many of them a number of times:  "Hillary, America's Lizzie Hexam."  Or how about this one?  "Donald Trump, America's Seth Pecksniff."  Sorry if you didn't get it. Try reading a little more.

Cindy Simpson, American Thinker:  "If I Were the Devil, I'd Enact Hate Speech Laws"

Man, do you have a pathetic idea of what fun is, Cindy.  If I were the Devil, I'd be out riding around in a Lamborghini, picking up chicks.

Monica Showalter, American Thinker:  "Muted response in Venezuelan press after Trump's blast at Chavista socialist failures"

I guess they don't really give a damn about what this blustering moron has to say, huh?  I wonder why that might be.

Rick Moran, American Thinker:  "Nationalist party in Germany set to make big gains in election"

Hey, that's the greatest news out of Germany since 1933!

Grace Carr, Daily Caller:  "School Board Upset Over New Standards That Teach Man-Made Global Warming"

A Republican school board- afraid of the truth as usual.  By the way, not that this is surprising, it is not the "school board," but one member of it that is upset.  The rest seem to be just fine with the new standard.  Just to be clear.

And the last wingnut site I checked today just led me to a page screaming about a nonexistent "internet security threat" that would not close and demanded that I send money for it to go away. Green Eagle gets these fairly frequently- just one more right wing internet grifter who is a little more pushy than the rest- so I was able to outwit it pretty quickly, but I'll take it as a sign that this is enough for today.  Bye.


Laurie Todd said…
Here's one more Wingnut Update, from the official American Association website:

Due to inclement weather, the deciding game five of the American Association Championship Series between the Wichita Wingnuts and Winnipeg Goldeyes has been postponed until Wednesday, September 20, at 6:00 p.m. Central time. The game, at Shaw Park in Winnipeg, can be seen live and for free at

If you can't catch it live, it should be available at that link for the next few months.
Green Eagle said…
Thanks for that- my kind of guys particularly as they come from the wingnut paradise of Kansas. Too bad they don't play hockey, or they could square off against the Shreveport Mudbugs.
Infidel753 said…
That article about the Electoral College is actually arguing that the EC makes US elections much more vulnerable to foreign subversion than they would otherwise be, and it makes a solid case. Naturally, the wingnuts can't address that case, so they just snark about The Onion.
Green Eagle said…
Well, the piece I referenced is denying what the article was about. Incidentally, I wrote about the real purpose of the Electoral College, at which it failed in the most dramatic fashion possible this time around, very soon after the election:
Anonymous said…
Green Eagle, you are very smart.

Too bad you got drunk at Ten Cent Beer Night, and ain't been sober yet.
Green Eagle said…
I mainly drink Pilsner Urquell. If you can tell me where I can get that for 10 cents, I would be most appreciative. Hell, even when I was living in Prague a few years ago, it was a buck for half a liter.
Sarah Snider said…
He's saying you've been drunk since June 4, 1974.
Dikran Hagopian said…
I can do better. I'll send you two Pilsner Urquells for just one measly 1792 silver disme (legal tender value: 10 cents).

[It's worth a shot!]
Green Eagle said…
Sarah, maybe I have been. Or at least since, let's say, 1981, when I discovered single malt scotch for 50p a shot at the Darwin College bar in Cambridge. And speaking of shots, I'll tell you what, Dikran, I'll trade you a shot of Lagavulin for two Pilsner Urquells- that sounds fair to me.
Dan O'Connell said…
I'll trade you three Pilsner Urquells for a three-cent nickel.

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