Wingnut Wrapup

As I've said, I have pretty much given up on Wingnut Wrapup, but I think it's a good idea to once in a while look in on the wingnuts, just to remind ourseves of what a grotesque pack of evil, anti-American, hate filled people make up the Republican base.  So, here we go:

Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "Dennis Prager: The Left Chooses to Go After Statues Instead of Fighting Real Evil...Prager argued that the left goes after statues because they aren't willing to confront real evils in the world."

Real evil apparently not being the return of the most malignant form of racism, or the efforts of the Republican party to turn the country into a fascist state, or the right's embrace of sadism as a legitimate way to treat their opponents.  Because the Democrats are confronting (however weakly) those evils, or I should say, I guess, those delightful new American principles brought to us by the Republicans.

Guy Benson, Town Hall:  "Will Democrats Take 'Yes' For An Answer on DACA, or Demagogue Compromises to Protect a Wedge Issue?"

Translation:  will Democrats agree to a half dozen piggish, hateful Republican proposals, out of fear that the Republicans will blame Democrats for doing away with DACA?  Answer? Probably.  Or, as Guy puts it:

"we will resolve the DACA issue with heart and compassion – but through the lawful Democratic process"

I.e. by our usual tactic of taking hostages and ramming through as many horrible abuses as possible before agreeing to any decent proposals at all.

Katie Pavlich:  "America to the FBI: We Deserve to See Hillary Clinton's FBI File"

Yeah, that is what "America" is really worried about at this point.  According to a Rasmussen "poll," i.e. a Republican lie.  And even Rasmussen could barely get the number over 50%, no matter how they rigged the count.

And now a cartoon showing the deep sensitivity the right shows to the plight of the dreamers:

Yeah, just dump ice on their heads.  That'll solve the problem.  Hurt them a little more, that's the answer, you sons of bitches.  Well, I guess that if they are still dreaming that the Republican party is going to treat them decently, maybe they need to be awakened, so they can start packing.

Christine Rousselle, Town Hall:  "People Are Seriously Mad that Taylor Swift Hasn't Condemned Trump"

Seriously mad.  And I mean SERIOUSLY mad!!!!  Who are these people that are seriously mad? Who the hell knows, but they are SERIOUSLY MAD!!!!11!!!!!!1!!!  At Taylor Swift!  Man, that is a disturbing turn in American political affairs.

Streiff, Red State:  "EPA Reaches Staffing Levels Not Seen Since The Reagan Administration...The workforce at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is on course to fall to its lowest level since Ronald Reagan was president, an agency official said on Tuesday.

After buyouts and retirements, that number could drop to 14,428 by October...That would be below the fiscal 1988 level"

The stupid, ignorant Streiff is really proud of that.

Brandon Morse, Red State:  "Christian Colorado Baker Called Nazi by Politician Actually Son of Holocaust Camp Liberator"

Actually, Hitler was the son of...well, who cares about that?  It's what you do yourself, not what your father did, Brandon.  And actually, no one really compared this guy to a Nazi, but what's a lie that small in the blizzard of lies that comes from the right every single day?

Brandon Morse, Red State:  "LOL! Planned Parenthood Says ‘Every Person Has The Right To Live’ In DACA Outrage Email"

Apparently, to right wingers, they don't.  I'd keep that in mind if I were you.

Joshua Caplan, Gateway Pundit:  "Steve Bannon Set For First Major TV Interview Since Leaving the White House "

Oh boy.

Joshua Caplan, Gateway Pundit:  "REPORT: Susan Rice Set For House Intel Committee Grilling Over Unmasking Controversy"

A "grilling" over a phony issue invented by Republicans.  Well, pretty much par for the course for our Republican Congress.

Moneywise 411:  "The First Major “Win” For The Trump Presidency...Some experts believe President Trump may be gearing up for his biggest win yet.

According to Washington insiders, three “confidential” members of Congress are reportedly drafting a critical new bill.  Once signed by the President, it will give public recognition for the first new “stock exchange” in America in nearly 50 years."

That would, apparently, count as Trump's biggest win of his whole Presidency.  Pathetic, huh?  I just want to point out that this was actually an ad disguised as a news story at Gateway Pundit.  Grifters gotta grift.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Police Are Looking for 6 Suspects in Massive Wedding Brawl that Left White Girl Knocked Out on Street"

Vital news, Gateway Pundit style.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Bill De Blasio Goes Full Commie"


Curtis Dahlgren, Renew America:  "NOW CAN WE GET SOME REAL NEWS? Robert E. Lee made some serious mistakes, but he knew when to repent and concede. After hurricane Harvey, some people don't know whether to blame the Russians or God"

Huh?  Curtis does, however, finish his column with this remark:

"Well, that's the column for this week. It's not the column I intended to write, but like a bowel movement..."

Okay, then.  I'm not exactly sure where Curtis thought he was going with that remark, but take it for what it's worth.  And yes, that is what he really said.

Linda Harvey, World Net Daily:  "The move to 'repeal and replace' Christianity"

Whoopee!  Where do I sign up? Linda states:

"Oh, wait. The Southern Poverty Law Center is already doing (the) dirty work for the enemies of Jesus.

Whatever.  Knock yourself out telling lies, Linda.

And now for the big investment opportunity of the day!

Joseph Farah, World Net Daily:  "Make a Hit Movie With WND!  Two years ago, WND CEO Joseph Farah decided the time was right for WND to make its first major motion picture. We must bring (this) story to A-list actors, top distributors, marketing executives, and technicians in order to create a powerful package for investors. This film investor package will cost about $120,000."

Which Joseph would like you to cough up.  Care to take a chance on the likelihood that a pack of right wing lunatics are going to make a hit movie?  Personally, if I were you, I would send your money to Green Eagle, to help recognize his long time dream of bringing "Heinrich Himmler-The Man and the Dream," starring Rowan Atkinson in the title role, to the silver screen.

James V. DeLong, American Thinker:  "Sarah Palin and the New York Times: The Next Chapter...After a judge issued a ridiculous ruling in favor of the Times, can Palin win an appeal in her libel suit?  The case isn't hopeless."

Yes it is, James.  Deal with it.

Bruce Walker, American Thinker:  "Make North Korea a Chinese Protectorate...America ought to take the position that North Korea is a protectorate of China, recognizing China's right to represent North Korea's interests in global affairs"

No explanation of how to get China to go along with this, or what in God's name would make China want to take on the massive problems of North Korea's impoverished, backward population.  I guess Trump will just "make" them do it.  Just as soon as he gets done making Mexico pay for the wall.

John Nolte, Breitbart:  "CNN’s Jake Tapper Again Spreads Debunked Lie About Trump Mocking Disabled Reporter"

A "debunked lie" that anyone can see on video:

But right wingers will never give up denying what is right in front of their faces.

John Binder, Breitbart:  "Fashion Notes: Vanity Fair Snubs Melania Trump, Honors Michelle Obama on ‘Best Dressed’ List"

Man, that's going to be a big scandal. Maybe Vanity Fair could make up for this snub by putting Melania on the "Best Undressed list."

I think Michelle is clearly not going to beat Melania out in the nude posing department.

John Daniel Davidson, The Federalist:  "DACA Backlash Shows Democrats Don’t Really Think Their Policies Should Be Subject To Elections...Donald Trump promised to rescind DACA if he won the election. So why does Barack Obama have a problem with Trump following through on his promise?"

Well, maybe because it is a piggish, racist, hate filled policy that nobody should support.  Imagine rewriting Davidson's statement as follows:

"Death Camp Backlash Shows Democrats Don’t Really Think Their Policies Should Be Subject To Elections...Adolf Hitler promised to kill all the Jews if he won the March 1933 election. So why does Barack Obama have a problem with Hitler following through on his promise?"

Same thing, really.

And let's just go out on the comedy headline of the day:

Kelleigh Nelson, Before it's News:  "Our President, Sacrificing Everything to Save America"

Ha.  That should be an amusing account.

Well, off to take the Corgi to the groomers.  See you soon.


Infidel753 said…
I thought the only major "win" of Trump's Presidency was improving his golf game.

After hurricane Harvey, some people don't know whether to blame the Russians or God

Actually they seem to have settled on blaming the gays.

This isn't as funny as it seems. It's the same mentality as the 16th-century Spanish kingdom blaming the failure of the Spanish Armada on its tolerance of Jews and Muslims (they were expelled or forcibly converted to Catholicism).

Thanks for continuing to collect these. Trump gets so much coverage that people could easily forget how evil the rest of Wingnutistan is.

Now back to my regular liberal activity of demanding leadership from Taylor Swift.
Cat said…
" you sons of bitches."

Every dog is a son of a bitch.

Are you saying dogs and Republicans are on the same level?

Sounds about right.
Professor Chaos said…
Jeezus, I would've thought that cartoon was from a liberal source mocking Trumps attack on the Dreamers. But no, this is something the right is actually proud of! Ugh.
Green Eagle said…
"Cat" says dogs are sons of bitches. Ha. What's next, sheep attack goats?
Lady Myobu said…
Technically true for male dogs - the first definition for "bitch" is "female dog."

So, as Cat asks, are you saying dogs and Republicans are on the same level?
Green Eagle said…
Okay, okay, I'll answer the question: As a long time dog owner, I do not believe any non-human animal is capable of the combination of dishonesty, hatred, greed and love of violence that is an essential component of every Republican's personality. Okay?
Lady Myobu said…
Okay by me.

Thanks for answering.
Anonymous said…
I do not believe any non-human animal

With the exception of a certain large green birdbrain.
Green Eagle said…
Anonymous, are you so dedicated to self degradation that you seek out places to humiliate yourself in public?

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