MOAR- Mob of Asshole Republicans

Or this:
The Mother of All Rallies!!!  Promoted by Republicans for at least two months, this event took place in Washington D.C. today.  Didn't hear about it?  Well, here's some of the advance material:

"MOAR Mother Of All Rallies Patriot Unification Gathering-The Woodstock of American Rallies

America First patriot rally in support of American values, American culture, American traditions, and of course President Donald Trump. Our goal is to rally 1 million patriots to Washington DC to send a shock-wave message to the world that they have to go through us to take this country or change its culture."

ONE MILLION PATRIOTS!  Well, as is the inevitable outcome of right wing marches, they fell a little short of their predictions.

Here is a photo used in their promotional material:
Actually, I think this is from the inauguration of Barack Obama, where there were actually a million plus attendees.  Here is a photo of the actual crowd at today's event:
Maybe six or eight hundred, and who knows how many of them were casual tourists.  Well I guess that was their stand- it was just a small stand.

What kind of fool do you have to be to believe the Republicans' claims to speak for a massive, worked up political force in American life, when this happens over and over again?  The Republican party is good at one thing only: managing to assemble electoral victories on one day every couple of years, through a combination of billions spent on lying propaganda and character assassination, intense, criminal gerrymandering all over the country, and as we now know, treasonous collaboration with a hostile dictator that wants nothing but to destroy the power of the US government.  But that is all it takes to ruin our country, despite the fact that, as I have been documenting for years, their alleged massive base is essentially nonexistent, at least if it is measured by how many people are willing to get off their asses and do a damned thing to help bring about the fascist oligarchy that has been the Republicans' only real goal since at least the time of Reagan.

And yet here we go, straight down the road to hell, while the Republicans' rich backers strip every penny of value from the country.  So far, no hope of a good ending.


Zog said…
The Trump supporters were outnumbered by fans of the Insane Clown Posse yesterday; the latter were protesting the designation of the Juggalos as a crime gang.

Portraits of clowns can be seen here.
Green Eagle said…
I had it in mind to mention that, and had even saved a picture of the Juggalo event to prove it, but it ended up on the cutting room floor, as it were, because I thought my post was long enough. Certainly proves how pathetic the entire right wing movement is, when two months of planning on their part couldn't even get as many attendees as the Insane Clown Posse.
Anonymous said…
How can we tell the difference between an Insane Clown Posse and the Trump Administration?
Betamax said…
The ICP are arguably successful at what they do.

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