Meanwhile, in The World's Greatest Democracy

While the American people are captivated by the spectacle of the President of the United States displaying to the world a fantasy in which he violently assaults a candidate that he cheated out of her position, the following is happening in the Republican controlled Congress, which I will allow to be described by a piece at Daily Kos, as I am just too sick about all of this to rewrite it in my own words:

"In order to get the bill through, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell intends to cut off all debate, prevent any amendments, and refuse any discussion. It’s a combination that has never been used before. It’s a genuinely unprecedented shutdown of the Senate.

In addition to a process that’s ripping up the Senate rules ...

There have been no public hearings.

There is no CBO score.

The total amount of discussion will be limited to two minutes, with no amendments, no other votes.

But you can’t say there will be no hearings, because there is going to be a hearing. A single hearing. The way that hearing is going to be structured shows the fundamentally bizarre lengths Republicans are reaching to force this bill to the floor. That one hearing won’t be in front of any committee that has control over health care. It will be in front of the Homeland Security Committee. This committee has never before had a hearing on healthcare.

Why this apparently nonsensical choice? Because Republican Committee Chair Ron Johnson has agreed to limit witnesses on the Graham–Cassidy healthcare bill to just two: Graham and Cassidy, the authors of the bill. No health care experts will testify about health care. Republicans will make sure there is no one to tell a personal story of what this bill would do to them. No one to give any statistics or evidence about how it would gut healthcare and destroy provisions that protect patients."

This is not democracy.  It is the deliberate forcing on the American people of legislation that benefits no one but the rich bastards that fund the Republican party, which as I have said so many times, has not been a legitimate political party for decades, but is now a corrupt conspiracy on a level with the most criminal governments anywhere in the world today.

What is the point of trying to spread the word about what is going on in our country, when we all know it by now, and that is not slowing the Republicans from trying over and over again to pass the worst possible medical care bill they can think of, along with any other legislation that will rob the American people to pay off their masters?  And if you think this is bad, just wait a couple of weeks until we get Republican "Tax reform," which I guarantee you is going to be an even bigger crime. We have had one party governments many times in the history of this country, most notably in the hands of Democrats for many years after the Republican depression, but never (until the time of Reagan) has any party cast aside any shred of responsibility to the people, and sold itself lock stock and barrel to a few hundred rich sociopaths, who have decided that the best thing for them personally is an oligarchic dictatorship that considers the interests of no one but themselves.

And this, from the party of "government of the people, for the people, by the people."

Well, that's what we've got.  What are a few bloggers supposed to do about that?  If you figure out an answer, please let me know.


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